eastereggs are cool everybody loves them. I know that there are some but what about to add them in a bugfix ? Here are some ideas maybe something written in one of the houses at yeager, a sunken ship/submarine, some other sea monster, something like a bermuda triangle, spaceships (at snowstone), secret places, maybe a rocket as reference to simple rockets 2, other references to films places or games thanks for attention :D
@MasterManufacturing ...i think you dont know what the bermuda triangle is...... -.-
@BirdOfSteel Explain this then. Also, if you say "this" you're not talking about the bermuda triangle.
@MasterManufacturing ... i mean the real bermuda triangle not the shape -.-
@BirdOfSteel That IS in fact, a triangle.
@MasterManufacturing this isnt a triangle .....
AGs face on the sphinx is Easter egg-ish.
There's already a bermuda triangle, it's Cthulhu, yeah, it is a triangle between Krakabloa, Wright Isles and Maywar
@BirdOfSteel The only easter egg in the game is Cthulu.
@Brields95 ha ha ha best joke ever
If you want easter eggs, go dye some eggs.
@RailfanEthan i know that but that is only one thing
Well, there is the Cthulu/Kraken/whatever you want it, but that's not for mobile.