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Names for planes

11.3k LiamW  8.5 years ago

I have completely run out of names for my creations. Can people share ideas for ways of naming stuff?

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    @LiamW You're welcome

    8.5 years ago
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    10.3k Booster456

    @LiamW Ok cool!

    8.5 years ago
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    11.3k LiamW

    Thanks, I've started a new naming system for myself and I've even renamed my old planes and deleted bad ones and done a huge cleanup to my profile. Hopefully it looks a bit less messy and the names sound better.

    8.5 years ago
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    10.3k Booster456

    @LiamW No Probs

    8.5 years ago
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    11.3k LiamW

    @Booster456 thx

    8.5 years ago
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    10.3k Booster456

    What I do is when I am making something for my companies Eg. Sanboid AirCorp
    I Pick to letters or a word
    if it is letters put a - after it
    or a space if it is a word
    Eg. DR-
    Eg. Aero
    Then think of two numbers or one if it is a word
    Eg. DR-45
    Eg. Aero 1
    Then put a space and think of a name based on the planes role or type but only for one with letters
    Eg. DR-45 Juggernaut
    Eg. Aero 1
    and there you have it PS: the name Aero one is from my Arsely Aero 1
    and an example of the Letters one is my Sanboid FT-46 Black Bear
    as you can see I put my company name in front. PPS: if you want to make it even better a a letter after the numbers
    Eg. DR-45A Juggernaut

    8.5 years ago
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    What I do, is I think of a name that suits the plane. I look at the "Rickiness" of the plane (read the Rick tag description), then I look at the performance of the plane and then I look at the purpose of the plane. It usually comes out as things like "Dominator" or "Lame".

    8.5 years ago
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    11.3k LiamW

    Thanks I'll try to remember that @KnightOfAraluen

    8.5 years ago
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    On most aircraft, there is a letter followed by a number. Sometime multiple letters. These letters are to signify the role. F for fighter, A for assaulter, B for bomber, and so on. This is followed by a number, which is when it was made. A P-51 is made before a P-52. After the number, there is sometimes another letter. This letter is the model. There could be a P-51E, or a P-51F. The last part of its name is more of a nickname. An easy to remember name that usually reflects its performance or role. In example: The F/A-18E "Super Hornet"

    8.5 years ago