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I'm bored asking questions

29.2k destroyerP  8.5 years ago

Q1 Which plane you got to most upvote?

Q2 Which plane you have the most download?

Q3 What is your favorite vehicle?

Q4 Which is your favorite place in simpleplanes?
Mine answer
Q1 Click my profile and you will see Joeyseller has the most.
Q2 Is this because it is fun
Q3 Now I am interested in trains, I actually like bus and tank.
Q4 Yeager airport.
What about yours?

Now, is the question about others.
Q5 Should I play World of tanks again?

Q6 Should I continue made trains?

Q7 If Q6 is no, what should I made? People face, Bus, tanks, RAMDON things.
Comment down for your answer