I vacation at a lake it a general small lake but this morning in I woke and eat breakfast, vrrrrrrrrrmmmmm, circled back vvvvvvrrrrrmmmmm landed in my lake went across to a cottage and it was a swaggy little water plane with a propeller on top super weird plane but cool.
If you think this is a real or fake story comment
@RailfanEthan lol catalinas flew just above stall speed thats why they crashed so much
Could have been a PBY Catalina
Was it an icon a5?
@Camroncs nah I'm good on the email stuff, and I got the fuselage done!
@Camroncs do you like the beech jet? It looks like a nice plane
@Camroncs yes I do have time in N3720R in fact all my time is in that plane
@Camroncs I'm sorry I forgot! I'll get right on it
Or something like this?
h6k h8k flying squid flying boat pby mbr 2 ostu a6m2 f1m2
@JetFuel I bet it was MBR-2, comrade
@jamesPLANESii my brother said glass goose so close
Was it to me of these?
Sounds real.