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New Bug

3,086 blackvultureaeroespace  8.6 years ago

I made it.I crashed SP.I was trying to make a hover car with the landing gears and i ended making some kind of wormhole maker.My vessel reached speeds over 10000 mph and i reched a depth of more than 600000,then SP crashed.

If you want to crash SP too use this

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    @ThePlaninatior I once created a motor thet basically, stopped the craft and frosted it in place

    7.6 years ago
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    Ive Done Better :D
    Once I for some reason while turing on my engine I Went -105158 (Rough Estimate) Miles Per hour and -1329183409365 Ft (Again rough estimate) and my heading was 4914. It was a weird day

    7.6 years ago