6 Months ago, I joined simpleplanes. I didn't even know how to build a plane, but the game, the opportunity of so much thing that I could have done.. So I logged in with my steam profile and I spent €10 to buy the game..
I remember my first plane, how much I was excited, there were so many ideas in my head.. I decided to build an F-4U Corsair, it was pretty ugly, but in my noob mind, it was awesome.
Since I was 7, my biggest dream was to become an aereonautic engineer; I've spend the past two years playing simulation games, like FSX, or DCS. I started studying physics at school, and it became my favorite subject. Then I discovered this game, I discovered the community, the thousands and thousands of people that play with it, that help each other, but at the same time they're competitive. I remember when Delphinus and SpiritusRaptor were the only platinum members, and all the other users were doing their best to reach this last level.. I had the luck of being featured in Jelly's and Kwebblekop's videos.. Now I finally reached my objective, thanks to all of you, to all the golds, the platinum, the Developers and the Moderators, and dulcis in fundo to all the silver and bronze ones. Thanks because in Six Months you helped me growing up, supporting me, and the only thing that I cared of in this period of time, was to build planes that all of you would have enjoyed to flight, and to play with. Now the school year is starting again. I'm going to face some problems this year (don't worry, I'll be OK :) ) and I hope not to be far from all of you for too long.. I just want to say, thank you all guys. Thank you so much! You're the best! <3
Just a simple thing I'd like to say to all of you..
36.4k FrogmasterAereonautics
8.4 years ago
@BrianAircrafts No Problem
Good luck in school! I'll cya later. Also, I joined 6 months ago as well!
@Flightsonic @CaesiciusPlanes thank you so much!
@MrMecha thank you so much mate.. :')
Keep the good work! Loved your builds!
@oDDDynamics whoops.. Fail xD