We can help, but only send over older vehicles. Also, he is exempt from the treaty that stopped Awwam from fighting us.
If necessary the PR can help, and even then, he is trying not to loose South America. @DankDorito
@Mudkip I will help you in domestic conflicts and military equipment but as economic and political wise UNSR is no longer a sub-faction of Avarua.(upon request of @PINK)
We were expecting you to leave them....okay......ummm...this is awkward. No more equipment until you leave, or economic activity.
We were expecting you to leave to join the ESR. @DankDorito
@PINK I made the Treaty. You genius
@PINK lol no I didn't.
@MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation Yeah you did . . .
@PINK Hah. I never signed a treaty saying I can't attack you or Pilotmario. Maybe you should read it again?
Sorry, no new military equipment... :(
We can help, but only send over older vehicles. Also, he is exempt from the treaty that stopped Awwam from fighting us.
If necessary the PR can help, and even then, he is trying not to loose South America. @DankDorito
I don't want @Mudkip to get pissed at me
No military equipment . . . we can help with issues. However, we don't want to eventually face our own equipment in battle. @DankDorito
@Mudkip I will help you in domestic conflicts and military equipment but as economic and political wise UNSR is no longer a sub-faction of Avarua.(upon request of @PINK)
We were expecting you to leave them....okay......ummm...this is awkward. No more equipment until you leave, or economic activity.
We were expecting you to leave to join the ESR. @DankDorito
No, UNSR is still a sub-faction of Avarua
Haven't you left Mudkip? @DankDorito
Feature Pummeler please?
Ok. Anti-ballistic missles have been launched to destroy the ICBM
Here is what the newer version, that has been modified into a EWC looks like. The cockipt is the major difference bettween the two. (Older-Newer) This example is painted in an old Korean night-paint. @DankDorito
Can I have a link to the BA-21?
It isn't marked on the map that you left @Mudkip @DankDorito
We dislike the C-95, and wish to use the BA-21 instead. @DankDorito
@DankDorito Help
Poland launched ICBM at Berus
@Pilotmario @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation
@GoldenEagle @Mudkip @PINK