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New Cameras (chase/orbit combo) ++

15.8k ian8811946  8.5 years ago

Would like to have a camera that is locked in with the forward facing direction of the vehicle. But is not locked in with the other pitch and roll movements.

This would make it much better for ground vehicles on rough terrain.

Also a lockable free camera would be nice too. Free to move the camera to where you want it. Then able to lock in place and it would observe your car from that point. (think driving an RC car)

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    15.8k ian8811946

    @WNP78 hmmm cool it is. Wish you could use it in free roam too. I hardly ever play on the standard maps/races. Could stand to have a little more movement/play too. The effects are indeed very subtle.

    8.4 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    It's very subtle and it took me a while to notice but on car races, the chase view is replaced by something similar to this.

    +1 8.4 years ago
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    814 SirGareth

    You can now set orbit cameras to chase if thats any help

    8.5 years ago