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modded and unmodded sections

283 Lego2250  8.5 years ago

I think that when you uplaod and airplane, you should be able to choose to upload it to two different sections, one section that has entirely modded planes, and another that has completely unmodded planes and they are put in two different sections in the website. i am suggesting this because i know that there are people that just dont want to learn how to mod planes (me included) and it seems that those people are just overshadowed by those people who can mod their planes. im not saying that one party of this is better that the other, but i bet that it is frustrating to people who work really hard on planes, but their planes dont get recognised because there was a modded plane just like it getting all of the attention. is this a good idea, or am i just stupid, you tell me!

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    8,630 CrazyCodeC

    Use modded part packs made by other people and rip fancy components out of other people's planes (give credit). It's the best thing for people that either don't know how to mod or simply can't mod.

    8.5 years ago