I Downloaded @ian8811946's Map and It came up on the Home screen
but it does not work after multiple tries The heading
Since Then I have Tried many times with that mod and others but It just WONT Work!!????
@ian8811946 K I will probs just leave it and keep going without mods
@Booster456 I think you could backup the "AircraftDesigns" folder and keep them. However im not positive that is the only folder you would need to back up. So you may want to check around.
@ian8811946 Will I lose al My planes?
@Booster456 wow idk man. Maybe try reinstalling the game.
@ian8811946 I is not there Oh well : (
@ian8811946 K Thanks I will Try
@Booster456 ok so after clearing the folder, run the game. No mods will appear. Close the game. Then add one back in and run the game. Hopefully the mod section ingame should return.
@ian8811946 I Have Cleared the folder now!
Right so now in the folder "Mods" NOT Ingame (In Docs) There is all the mods that I have Tried to download What Now?
@Booster456 what operating system are you on? windows 10?
Google "how to show hidden files - windows 7/8/10" (whatever you have)
@ian8811946 I dont have "View"
@Booster456 It is a hidden folder. In the file browser you need to go to view and check "hidden items" (on windows 10)
I would also suggest checking "File name extensions" if it is not already.
@ian8811946 I dont Have The Folder AppData
@Booster456 The actual folder is gone in the game directory on your PC (not ingame)???
should be under: C:\Users\Ian\AppData\LocalLow\Jundroo\SimplePlanes\Mods
Or something similar.
That folder should contain the ".spmod" files.
If it is not there, create a folder in that directory and place the mod files there.
@ian8811946 I dont HAVE a Mods folder That Is the problem!
@Booster456 I hear ya, gremlins can be real annoying. Did you try emptying the mods folder-start game- add the mods back in-start game?
@ian8811946 That is what is happening the 'MODS' section is not there if I restart it is not there and I dont think it is related to yours
Because when I download your the 'MODS' Sometimes appears but if I restart the game it disappears What Really bugs me is that It used to work fine and then suddenly I did some thing and It just Disappeared???
@Gestour Thanks for trying to help : )
@Booster456 New version is up and everything is working on my end. I also have Toscio56 maps installed and they are working as well.
PC version: V0.21
@Booster456 Hmm not sure what is going on. I have seen that happen before in the past though. The "Mods" section wont load when you start the game. But a restart has always worked. Not sure that its related to my mod. But Ill try uploading a new version.
Have you tried emptying the mods folder and re-adding them?
@Gestour true.
I wish I knew what to tell you, but I have no clue what went wrong. @ian8811946 might be able to help, it's his map.
@Booster456 @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation
I Know It is also Very annoying : ( @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation
@Booster456 omg this is really bad?!?
@MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation ALl Mods I download