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Wing Art Has Been Brought To a New Level...

162k spefyjerbf  8.3 years ago

I finally have some time to play SP! My next plane is going to be designed for advanced long-range conflict. It will be armed with advanced missile launchers.

But it will also have some awesome wing art!

The wing art hasn't been attached to the aircraft yet, hence it not looking like it fits into the wing.

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    49.1k Flightsonic

    Very noice! But I had an idea
    You know how when scaling beacons lights, the glow is always slightly larger? Instead of building with the beacons, use fuselages, then hide beacons underneath, scaled so the glow covers the fuselages

    8.3 years ago
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    Pretty lights

    8.3 years ago
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    Ooo! It lights up!

    8.3 years ago