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Tank School: Meanwhile in the Battlefield

17.2k GoldenEagle  8.4 years ago

M1A3 Abrams: Wait... I skipped my A2 upgrade?
M60A3 'Pilotmario: Yep
Leopard 2 'GoldenEagle': Wow! Lookin' good!
Type 10 'CaesiciusPlanes': Nice!
M1A3 Abrams: Eheheh..... heh....
Challenger 2: Come back here mate!
Leopard 2: Nein! Catch me if you can slowpoke!
M60A3 'Pilotmario': Sigh... Those two...

Meanwhile in the Battlefield
Ratte: Argh!
Referee TOG II: Ratte is out!
Hetzer IV: Haha! Nice one brother!
Hetzer III: Danke! And I almost flipped! Hehe
Hetzer II: Damnit! You didn't let me shoot!
Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer: No probs!
*Hetzer II
: Shut it!
Hetzer IV: Umm... guys? SU-315, ISU-152, and Leveler are.... um.... here...
Hetzer Brothers (except for Hetzer IV): WHAAAAAAT!?
SU-315: Hey guys!
ISU-152: Privyet comrades!
Leveler: You all ready?
[The Hetzer Brothers gets massacred by SU-315, ISU-152, and Leveler]
Referee TOG II: The Hetzers are out!
Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer: Told ya that we shouldn't go for Ratte
Hetzer III: It was your idea
Hetzer IV: I think it was Hetzer II's idea
Hetzer II: Wha-no!
Hetzer Brothers (except for Hetzer II): IT'S YOURS!
Hetzer II: Shoot! I gotta go!
Hetzer IV: Oh no you don't!
Hetzer II: Hehehe.... oh-wait! AAAAAAHHHHHH!
MechWARRIOR57: C'mor Tiger! Angle your hull!
Tiger 131: In what angle?
MechWARRIOR57: 45 degrees left
Tiger 131: Oh-ok! angles 45
MechWARRIOR57: Good
Tiger 131: Oh! Borsig is here! Hi!
MechWARRIOR57: Wait! That's not your teammate!
[Tiger 131 gets shelled by Rheinmetall-Borsig]
Referee TOG II: Tiger 131 is out!
MechWARRIOR57: Sigh... You need more training...
Tiger 131: Oh- uhh.. ok!
Suleimani: ALLAHU AKBAR!
Rathwara II: Oh f-!!!!
Suleimani: Don't worry, this is a simulated battle, we are still allies!
Rathwara II: Oh....
[Rathwara gets ammo-racked]
Referee TOG II: Rathwara II is out!
Rathwara II: Wait... Did you use HE?
Suleimani: Yep, I used HE on your Cardboard-like armor
Rathwara II: ...
Suleimani: More upgrades are available for you tomorrow! Be sure to come!
Rathwara II: Oh, ok! Thanks!
Suleimani: lays hunak 'aa mushkila!


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    10.1k tuco

    hey can i join

    8.4 years ago
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    @DankDorito 😂

    8.4 years ago
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    30.9k DankDorito

    Add this tank

    8.4 years ago
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    30.9k DankDorito

    @GoldenEagle @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation
    Lol Suleimani just went full on Jihad

    8.4 years ago
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    4,835 Patrick20206

    @GoldenEagle Will the Mt-1 appear in the next episode?

    8.4 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation lol

    8.4 years ago
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    @GoldenEagle @Pilotmario @Supermini555 I'm laughing so much right now 😂😂😂😂

    8.4 years ago
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    @AccipitrisEnterprises cool

    8.4 years ago
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    21.3k Fumo

    The Olifant has ridiculous armor and an accurate defense system, meaning it'll take more than a concentrated volley of cannon fire or APFSDS rounds... just a suggestion though, i wouldnt want to ruin the RP

    8.4 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @Supermini555 I'll put both!

    8.4 years ago
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    29.0k Supermini555

    Can you put this in?
    Al-Asad on the other hand, is scouting the battlefield to fire at any weak links, but to no avail, he couldn't find any. While he is scouting the place after 2 hours, he heard a noise coming from his 6. He looked around and got shocked as the 315 passed by him, not noticing him even though the Al-Asad was in plain sight. After the threat has gone, the Al-Asad quickly found his way to a sniping position. As the Al-Asad was using a 250mm Railgun, he is definitely gonna flip after firing the kill shot, so he asked help from the M4. At the snip point, the 315 still doesn't see him take a sniping position, although Asad is making a commotion. Ready to fire the shot, he was about to pull the trigger when, the M4 clumsily pushes him off the cliff. "Why!" Cried Asad, but he took the chance to destroy the ammo rack while he's falling. He took the shot, bam! Goes the 315's Ammo Rack
    TOG II: 315 is out!
    Asad falls to his doom
    TOG II: Asad is out!@GoldenEagle

    8.4 years ago
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    29.0k Supermini555

    In the background, the Hetzer Bros are arguing and bickering at each other, not wanting to own up their own mistakes, firing shells at each other, good thing they're still in simulation mode after they were knocked out. Turns out, it's actually Hetzer III who made the decision to shoot the Ratte, but the other two, Hetzer I and Hetzer IV are afraid of him due to his size, so they put the blame on the weakest link, Hetzer II @GoldenEagle

    8.4 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @Pilotmario you can! Please make a part for me to use in the next episode

    8.4 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle


    8.4 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @GoldenEagle Also, can I write a portion where Victoria M5A6 (she upgraded herself in the field) talks with Suleimani about their current relationship status while they exchange fire.

    Suleimani and Victoria were trained in the same international military academy, where they became good friends.

    Victoria was born and raised in a very military family, her parents being the Challenger 1 and 2, the grandparent's Chieftain and Centurion, and the great grandparents being Churchill and Matilda.

    Suleimani was born and raised in a royal family, and became interested in military strategy. Because of his nobility and excellent leadership qualities, he was commissioned a captain as soon as he entered the military.

    While Suleimani excelled at strategy, he was not particularly athletic, and was unaccustomed to the harsh conditions of the field. However, where Victoria was incredibly adept outdoors (she was a Girl Scout), she struggled with understanding strategy.

    The two recognized that they needed each other's help, and became good friends, Suleimani teaching Victoria strategy and Victoria serving as Suleimani's motivator and physical trainer. This platonic relationship soon grew to be romantic.

    However, when they left the academy, they had to break up because he got word that his parents have already arranged a marriage with another tank. However, the two keep in touch when they can.

    8.4 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @Supermini555 lol Hetzer II had only one job.

    8.4 years ago
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    29.0k Supermini555

    * facepalm *
    Love the script!

    Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer: Told ya that we shouldn't go for Ratte
    Hetzer III: It was your idea
    Hetzer IV: I think it was Hetzer II's idea
    Hetzer II: Wha-no!
    Hetzer Brothers (except for Hetzer II): IT'S YOURS!
    Hetzer II: Shoot! I gotta go!
    Hetzer IV: Oh no you don't!
    Hetzer II: Hehehe.... oh-wait! AAAAAAHHHHHH!

    8.4 years ago