I fly a hobby king reaktor 3D, hobbyking bonsai combat wing, a micro firefly from rcgroups, a nutball from rcgroups and a funbat which I got from someone else at the local club and i replaced the smashed nose with epp and gave it new electronics (turnigy sk3 motor on 4 cell)
@corsair013 Ok, my Cessna gains so much lift when the flaps are down, so that it doesn't want to get down on the ground. ( If you come low enough though, the landing will be very slow)
They are also perfect for slow fly-bys ( like in the picture)
@kikasshes yes it is, but it has had such a hard life(you know what i mean) that with the flaps down, its a bit touchy. so i prefer to fly without them
I have a cheap but fun Sport Cub, it's only a 3 channel but the receiver and tx support 4 channel, so I may just add my own ailerons. I also have a sport cub S, which I have only flown like 3 times because my friend plowed it into the ground on its maiden launch.
@TheNightmare811 Oh wow xD
Yes, £155 rich now XD @kikasshes
@TheNightmare811 The toilet must be rich then xD
I just took it for a spin today and broke the wheel hub XD- which means another £6 down the toilet. @kikasshes
@TheNightmare811 lol good luck then xD
XD I might try but the parts weigh so much that the chassis tries to bend when you pick it up...@kikasshes
@TheNightmare811 Why not try putting wings and/or propellers on it? ;)
I drive (not fly) a Wltoys A959 which is heavily modded, new shocks, gears, remote, servo, receiver, motor, esc, camera mount- etc
I also fly a sport cub s
I fly an FT Tiny Trainer, hobby zone Champ, and a Sport Cub S, I'm soon to fly a mini Guinea
I fly a f4 corsair
RCPowers F-18 V3, Su35 V5 http://www.rcpowers.com/community/pages/home/
I fly a hobby king reaktor 3D, hobbyking bonsai combat wing, a micro firefly from rcgroups, a nutball from rcgroups and a funbat which I got from someone else at the local club and i replaced the smashed nose with epp and gave it new electronics (turnigy sk3 motor on 4 cell)
@kikasshes I recommend Durafly as a next step up, very good quality airplanes for a reasonable price
@corsair013 Not IRL, my other flying is in RealFlight, FSX and SimplePlanes.
@kikasshes cool! do you fly anything else?
@corsair013 Ok, my Cessna gains so much lift when the flaps are down, so that it doesn't want to get down on the ground. ( If you come low enough though, the landing will be very slow)
They are also perfect for slow fly-bys ( like in the picture)
@kikasshes yes it is, but it has had such a hard life(you know what i mean) that with the flaps down, its a bit touchy. so i prefer to fly without them
@corsair013 Thank you, is your cessna 5 channel?
Syma helicopter.. i bought it but i never flew it.. i once played it indoors but the helicopter hit the ceiling fan and it destroyed its rotor blades.
Oh, wait! I also own a JJRC V686 and a Syma 9101 Helicopter and two RC Porsche 911 GT3 RS's in 1:24 scale
SYMA drone
I have a cheap but fun Sport Cub, it's only a 3 channel but the receiver and tx support 4 channel, so I may just add my own ailerons. I also have a sport cub S, which I have only flown like 3 times because my friend plowed it into the ground on its maiden launch.
A Ah-1 cobraish chopper
@kikasshes I have a Durafly F4U Corsair this
an EDF F-18 this
A Cessna 182 this
and a j-3 cub. Nice Cessna by the way:)