it hard for me to udnerstand tutorials in text and i cant even get a plane to fly i cant even make a hover craft for my challanges only thing i did thats original is a car that is basicly most of the time not stopable and i say moslly becase i did not test every senario pluasable i tred countless tiems downloading things and ither they dotn work right or i dont understand how to pilot them and so i figure i ask for help becase its all over my head and its gonan get boring fast if i dont learn how to build cool stuff
@Flightsonic how do i do that
@Flightsonic ill try that thx
@MrMecha ty i appreate it
Turn up the GUI size in the settings (or similar to that)
@KingDeadshot thx for the what ever help u can provide =-)
@MrMecha ty