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New Tag

39.2k Squirrel  8.5 years ago

Created a new tag for those hosting Multiplayer servers, so it's easier to find a server to play on.

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    9,437 CALVIN232

    Ok @Squirrel

    8.5 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @CALVIN232 I think you have to upload a few videos first. I'm not entirely sure to be really honest, as it's not something I've ever come across before. However, I strongly recommend using the contacts link at the bottom of the page and ask the Devs what you have to do to get a YouTube tag.

    8.5 years ago
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    9,437 CALVIN232

    Note I have the worst punctuation in the world lol@Squirrel

    8.5 years ago
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    9,437 CALVIN232

    I agree @TheMajesticMrL

    8.5 years ago
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    9,437 CALVIN232

    I'm looking to start a YouTube channel soon which will feature creations by the community basically me trying them out having fun messing around with the creation) so I was wondering how do I get a tag? so o don't end up doing a jelly because if I don't tell them to use a tag like what happened to jelly will happen again to me so to avoid this I'm asking in advance were to get one so we don't have spam @Squirrel

    8.5 years ago
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    1,757 VanNate

    @Squirrel ah.

    8.5 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @drdoom222 my account isn't called Squirrel, it's called Dark Lightning.

    8.5 years ago
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    1,757 VanNate

    @Squirrel CUZ a guy I watch is called squirrel.

    8.5 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @drdoom222 yeah, hasn't got much on it though, why?

    8.5 years ago
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    1,757 VanNate

    @Squirrel do you have a YouTube channel?

    8.5 years ago
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    @Bucket your right! (•_•)

    8.5 years ago
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    5,873 Bucket

    Please! We need mobile multiplayer! :(

    8.5 years ago
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    @Squirrel Well I mean they could give credit to Hellfire and UnstableOrbit
    I dunno if Hellfire'd be okay with that though considering how long this has been in development

    8.5 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @Tully2001 if I was flying something with an ES in the title, then it will have been me. I also remember being on your server, so it probably was me.
    @TheMajesticMrL Because that would probably be viewed as a discredit to those that made the mod.

    8.5 years ago
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    You know, with all the mods and even the devs supporting multiplayer, why don't they just implement the mod into the actual game? The devs are clearly in full support of it.

    8.5 years ago
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    32.4k TheAceOwl


    8.5 years ago
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    Suggestion for build tags:
    Railroad ?

    8.5 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @Flightsonic it's a while off yet. I keep thinking of new things, trying them, then run into problems. And the cycle repeats XD

    8.5 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    @Squirrel sounds good, can't wait to see that project you're working on

    8.5 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @Flightsonic maybe, I'm still working on a project, so if I do, it might not be for long.

    8.5 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    And do you think you could join one some time soon? That was really fun landing on the big planes... and missile snipe

    8.5 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @Flightsonic figured it would save people rummaging through forum posts to find one!

    8.5 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    First! I saw the tag, then looked for the post, and good idea with the tag.
    (Could it be a thing where it's strictly server advertising, unlike in, screenshots fr example, people ask how to post screenshots? Mostly because I don't want to feel like I'm spamming if it gets pushed back)

    8.5 years ago