Short name: ROZ
Long name: Republic of Zealand
Government: Democracy Ideology: Democratic socialism
Alliance(s): UPNW, the I.S.F.O.S - partnership
World Status: Regional
Languages: 97.3% English 3.7% Maori
Capital: Wellington
Military: 300,000 Active. Reserve: 5,000,000. ROZAF Reserve: 75,000
Population: 47,216,100
Religious Demographic :25% Christian 75% nonreligious
Literacy Rate: %100
Tech: Futuristic
GDP: GDP: 17,320,000,000 NZ dollars (note: 1NZ dollars = 3 USD
Area: /km^2268,021 km2
103,483 sq mi
Population Density: /km17.5/km2 45.4/sq mi
Stability : 95%
Human to android ratio: 1/2
Drives on the
Internet TLD: I have no idea what this is