I need names please please please and how it look no mods yet!
@Kevinairlines cool
Maybe I don't no what it will look like at the end maybe it will look like an eagle @GT3TobyRS
@Kevinairlines ok? so what about eagle?
It was all spellcheck lol @GT3TobyRS
@Kevinairlines what do you mean by " Himmmmm made"??
? Spellcheck lol @GT3TobyRS
@Kevinairlines what?
Himmmmm made @GT3TobyRS
@Kevinairlines call it the Eagle!
Ok thanks for the info:) @Solarisaircraft
The tail should be larger, and call it Ravager.
@Kevinairlines cool
Maybe I don't no what it will look like at the end maybe it will look like an eagle @GT3TobyRS
@Kevinairlines ok? so what about eagle?
It was all spellcheck lol @GT3TobyRS
@Kevinairlines what do you mean by " Himmmmm made"??
? Spellcheck lol @GT3TobyRS
@Kevinairlines what?
Himmmmm made @GT3TobyRS
@Kevinairlines call it the Eagle!
Ok thanks for the info:) @Solarisaircraft
The tail should be larger, and call it Ravager.