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The Creative Bloom Is Off

25.2k salisbey  8.2 years ago

So. I have been her awhile now, at least 3 major updates, and have enjoyed every bit of it! Back when players like Delpheinus and Hypnotoad was blowing our minds and inspiring us , well, me at least, to think outside of the box. It has been amazing watching this game evolve. And after this last update, I have witness some truly talented newcomers reset the bar for awesomeness. XML modding was fairly new, (i beleive), when I started. But it has proved to be a vital tool in creating something that would get the communities attention. Even though, I, myself, never got into XML modding, I did download modded parts to use in a build. I have gained and lost followers, and have some that have hung in there, to see what my next creation will be. And for that, I am grateful.
And so, to my point of topic. I feel that my creative bloom is off, and at the risk of sounding like a whinner, "I feel I'm merely on the sidelines these days....watching the triumphant newcomers, as they parade their XML modded creations of wonder, for all the community to cheer their victor."
Absolutley kidding around. However, since you can't teach an old dog new tricks, I will keep building, and watch as this game and community becomes more incredible.
Thanx to all.