well it seems we have some building to do for the WTS!
we have the following planes to make:
My build:
Will be changed when i get more build requests
well it seems we have some building to do for the WTS!
we have the following planes to make:
My build:
Will be changed when i get more build requests
Ok started the He-219 and it is nearly finished
@ErvenDynamics lol!
@ErvenDynamics Ok will try??? wish me luck
@TehNewDucky Planes obviously Lol, but i do use Tanks sometimes depending on my mood, i am very flexible!
@RhysBrown I'll add you today. Planes or tanks?
@TehNewDucky my username on WT is RhysBrown
@TehNewDucky RhysBrown
@Dalton02 Rhysbrown37@gmail.com
Of course @Tully2001 choose the flying pancake.
What's your WT name? I can see from the pics that you might play.
Actually I do have a link https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.anticsonline.co.uk%2Fl.aspx%3Fk%3D2602492&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.anticsonline.co.uk%2F157312602492.html&docid=hdpzCrrrvjDzCM&tbnid=k406RHm9r4Z-8M%3A&w=500&h=266&safe=strict&bih=628&biw=375&ved=0ahUKEwiuwo7XnZzPAhUL54MKHQwTA08QxiAICygH&iact=c&ictx=1@RhysBrown
What's your email address
But I can email it to you@RhysBrown
@Dalton02 yeah you got a link?
Could you do a USAF livery
@Dalton02 it is the only decent one that i could find and OK i will add as much detail as i can...
Whats with the pattern on it?@RhysBrown
Thanks. And if you could as much detail as possible.@RhysBrown
@Dalton02 Ok, B25 it is!
thanks for the upvotes @Tully2001 @Feanor
@JoddyFubuki788 this should be fun!