Hi! I am able to share planes because I'm I
On my phone and I don't have any mods installed. However,on my nabi,I downloaded mods. I tried to share a plane with mods enabled, and it said you can't sign in if you have mods enabled when I tried to share my plane. This was odd because I was always logged in on my nabi. So I disabled all mods, and tried to sign back in. I was guaranteed that I had entered in the right password and username,yet it always says: Login failed,try again later. So I turned it off and waited for a whole day. Then I tried again. Yet again, Sign in failed. I have been trying for days and still not working. So I can only share planes on my phone! Please help!
@Flightsonic Did
@Ramonawavesaircraft Restart the game
@Flightsonic can't sign in. I disabled mods,but it always says Login failed.
Disable all the mods, sign in, then re-enable
Credit to Gestour for finding this