Link for stream record with some epic moments =)
Tournament standings are here
Current finalists:
Group A: LegendaryBottle's P-51 and ACMECo1940's Mosquito
Group B: RadarJamJar's A5M and Palcoinc's F4F
Group C: Seeras's Fisher XP-75-GC and kukimuki1234's Seafang
Group D: Yeger's ID-Mk.5 and CaesiciusPlanes's P-47
Group E: Kodstar02's P-88 and Sarpanitu's P-38
Group F: LACONNE's F-82 and hopotumon's MiG-5
Group G: TheFlyingBirdDog's Bf-109 and Docc21's I-21
Group H: Supermini555's La-11 and 90corvette's Ki-61
Group I: marcox43's I-185 M82A and ChaMikey's Yak-3P
@ThePlaninatior better luck next time =)
@Mudkip it was in group I and ended on last place, sry.
Haza top of G!
I still need entry. I've linked the plane and all, but I need to be officially placed in.
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. well i Did my bes As My Entry Was my First IDEPTH! biuld but Glad I Made it it at all
Good Luck Everyone Keep it GOING !! :)
Where is my Velspade?
Oh lol