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"Unlock" Ice Base in Snowstone in Sandbox (PC version)

479 SirEdmundAllenby  8.5 years ago

This is fairly easy.

  1. Fly around Snowstone until you unlock "Ice Base Assault" as a location. Change your location in game to "Ice Base Assault" and exit flight mode.

  2. Make or edit a medium-sized aircraft (preferably one with jet propulsion) and line the front of its primary wings with wing guns.

  3. When you start back in simulator mode you should be flying straight at the Ice Base. Simply hold down the trigger to prevent missiles from hitting you head on. At the last moment you may see a hole just above the AA defense system...that is the runway connecting to the secret ice base in SnowStone.

  4. Once inside (or if your cockpit happens to land inside after being shot out of the sky and crashes inside) just use "Restart Here" and save the location.

  5. Re-select that location and exit out and load the Little Bugger and start simulation mode again, and you should be inside the base where you saved and selected said location.

  6. Position the Little Bugger to where you want to take off from, then delete the ice base location you saved previously and save the new one with the same name you used before.

When you take off from the runway inside the Ice Base, the AA Defense system will not bother you. while flying in Snowstone.

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    5,876 Aano78

    This also works for mobile

    2.7 years ago
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    120 CB76565

    @AverroesIndustries lol yas is tried it and it worked XD

    4.4 years ago
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    The lasers are kinda annoying

    4.6 years ago
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    yeah, the AA turret wont bother me when i launch, but now they destroy me!

    5.9 years ago
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    If it helps, I saved the location so that i started my takeoff run before hitting the tarmac.

    8.5 years ago
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    I've already got the location, but the AA system locks on to me even when I take off from inside the base. Maybe cause I discovered it before the huge update?

    8.5 years ago
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    @SirEdmundAllenby yeah

    8.5 years ago
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    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation So long as the cockpit lands somewhere on the runway inside the base, you shouldn't have much of an issue. The only counter defense to the oncoming missiles is a row of bullets from your wing guns acting as flack.

    8.5 years ago
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    You can just smash into the mountain above it using the kicking fish and you'll fall inside the mountain....
    On Mobile and PC
    Well written guide though!

    8.5 years ago