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School and SimplePlanes

7,188 evoevry  8.4 years ago

I am planning to do a project in school about future supersonic travel. Does this game have good enough physics to realistically demonstrate the possibility of supersonic travel? (ex. physics concerning the amount of wing surface area, CoM CoL and CoT, etc.) Thanks in advance.

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    Maybe, but I think I put too much trust in the game's physics.

    8.4 years ago
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    9,528 HarryBRZ

    Erm lemme think a bit aha No Man's sky? Or ksp or maybe SIMPLE PLANES 💗

    8.4 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    @BlueCobraCreations whoops, my bad, I'm not an engineer but my point still stands. Interesting fact, you learn something every day.

    Anyway, SimplePlanes is good at moving things by the laws of physics, but bad at making the moving things realistic. It depends on how accurate you need to be.

    8.4 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    @evoevry the way the blocks snap together is very non-realistic. I'm no engineer but I can tell you there's not a rivet in sight in SP. That's usually the point of failure.

    8.4 years ago
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    7,188 evoevry

    @jsaret most likely just to show that if the plane is able to fly in the game, it is flyable if the plane is reconstructed in real life. The sonic boom problem and aerodynamics would most likely be considered separately from the game.

    8.4 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    The physics seems pretty good in this game, but I don't think it's technical enough - how are you going to show the plane design you demonstrate is similar structurally to the planes that we use in real life?
    (source: physics student at university)

    8.4 years ago