I'm not sure what category this fits in but I'm looking to start a YouTube channel featuring tutorials on giltching and nudging parts for iOS as well as featuring creations from this site that I can use on my phone so nothing to huge only thing is I don't have a name yet I'm working on it
It's hard to think of a name for I didn't mention it in this but I used to have a channel it didn't go well so that's a concern I never got round to it because I had other problems that occurred not related to viper it was something else that happened two days after I made this post I got into some trouble in the real world which left me with cracked ribs @Tyclone
That's awesome Calvin! I think you starting a channel is a great idea!! :)
@Viperfox you need to get a life
I thought about that but decided I didn't want my real name in the name of my channel I had thought of mad monkey planes but I'm not sure if that's taken?@Skyfalcon