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T34 vs. Tiger II

88 OtherNigel  8.5 years ago

Both are declared the best in World War II, but who WOULD win in a 1v1? The match is set, and it's up to you all to choose.

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    @LegendaryPilot lol np

    11 months ago
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    👌 Didn't even know someone would ever see it after a year lol

    1.2 years ago
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    @LegendaryPilot bro you wrote a whole story, respect

    1.2 years ago
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    That's most likely how the Tiger II will win, in a 1v1, in Kursk, against a T-34, with a well trained crew.

    2.6 years ago
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    A headless man slowly rises from the top hatch. He is charred and stained with dried blood. He falls out of the tank and into the sandy treads, the sand stains with fresh blood. Then, the Tiger II shakes even more violently, as the T-34's last 76.2mm shell pierces the broken armor, and hits the engine, killing the Radio Operator on its way. The Gunner holds the Radio Operator's dead body. Half of his head and skull are missing, and blood leaks from his cracked jawline. The Loader goes to the Commander's body, both are dead. The remaining crew members jump out of the tank, which is no longer operational. The desert is finally quiet. The silence of a long and huge battle. The crew members bury the Radio Operator and Commander. They pick up MP-40s and Lugers, they don't know what happened, they don't know they're hundreds of miles behind enemy lines, they don't know their Panzer Division had been captured hours ago on another front, they don't know the Axis Powers are losing, all they know is that they'll walk, miles, and miles, to their long-lost, captured home.

    2.6 years ago
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    Inside the Tiger II: The Commander opens the top hatch, and overlooks the desert, their crew had been knocked out from multiple artillery barrages, and thankfully, none of them scarred their beloved Tiger II, a new machine of the war. The Commander spots a moving object. It is an ugly green blob moving in a zigzag formation in the distance. The Commander pulls out his binoculars and identifies the object as an enemy T-34, knocked out from the barrages, too. The Commander orders the Gunner to zero in on the T-34 and lead the target. The Gunner estimates the T-34 and fires an 88mm shell into the T-34.
    Inside the T-34: There is absolute pandemonium. The Driver turns the T-34 in a zigzag formation to dodge any enemy shells, as the other crew members profusely sweat, the Commander's hands shaking violently. The Gunner points to an explosion forming out of the enemy tank's cannon. Its not an explosion- It's a muzzle flash. An 88mm shell pierces straight through the T-34's armor, hitting the Loader and instantly killing him. The Gunner rushes to the Loader's body. His right arm and shoulder are missing as blood shoots out of his remains. The Commander orders the Gunner to man his position, declaring the Loader K.I.A. (Killed in action). The Gunner loads a shell into the cannon and fires a 76.2mm shell into the Tiger II, breaking the left side armor, and ricochets into the sandy grounds.
    Inside the Tiger II: The tank shakes violently and creaks as some armor breaks off the left side. The Commander mans an MG-34 on the top hatch and begins firing into the T-34 Gunner's periscope.
    Inside the T-34: The Commander declares a hit, but the Gunner says he can't see through his scope. The Commander mans a DP machine gun and fires upon the Tiger II's Commander, and manages to hit him.
    Inside the Tiger II: The Commander gets hit by the T-34's DP machine gun, in his left shoulder. The Commander falls back in the tank, the other Crew worried. The Gunner, fires another round into the T-34, piercing its back armor and hitting the fuel tanks and instantly detonating them.
    Inside the T-34: In the mere seconds that follow, the Gunner loads another shell and fires into the Tiger II one, last time.
    Inside the Tiger II: The crew look outside their hatches upon the T-34. A mushroom-shaped fireball explodes out of the T-34, the green paint instantly transforms into a charred black as it engulfs in pillars of flames. The top hatch bursts open, with thick smoke billowing out of the interior

    2.6 years ago
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    Okay, here we go...
    If the T-34 and Tiger II ever met... In the Battle of Kursk, alone, resulting in a 1v1, and both crews are trained well.

    This is an easy one.
    The Tiger II will win, albeit seriously damaged.
    The Tiger II was a massive upgrade compared to the Tiger I, its previous counterpart and an even opponent against the T-34, meaning the Tiger II had superior modifications and upgrades, including range. Now range, in the Battle of Kursk, is all the Tiger II needs to overkill the T-34. The Battle of Kursk is basically a plain, large desert, and battles that take place in large areas, means that range is one of the superiorities here. Power. In not just a 1v1 but in ANY tank battle, power is another superiority. It determines the tank's strength, and power when one of its shells lands a hit on the enemy tank. The Tiger II's main gun was an 88mm cannon, meaning that the T-34 would be wrecked in only a few shots (depending on where the shots hit, I'll get to that later). The T-34's main gun was a 76.2mm cannon, meaning that the T-34 has nearly the strength of the Tiger II, nearly. Finally, crew. Crew is the primary essential here. The crew is what fires the gun, what moves the tank, what repairs the tank, the crew is what keeps the tank running in condition. Now, if the crew of both tanks are moderately skilled, then they should've been trained how to "lead the target". If you aim the scope of a rifle in the middle of a moving dummy and fire the rifle, the shell will miss the dummy and hit the ground behind the dummy. However, if you lead the dummy (aiming in front of a moving target), and fire this time, the shell will hit the dummy, bullseye! The Tiger II has all of these superiorities, the T-34 merely having one. But the T-34 has speed, the one word that will lead the T-34 into doom. Here's how the Tiger II will win against the T-34;

    2.6 years ago
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    In a 1v1 the t34 would be wrecked but the reason why the the Russians won was because they had so many T34s it’s as they say quantity has a quality all its own

    3.0 years ago
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    @RailfanEthan This is about SdKfz 182 Panzerkampfwagen VI Ausf.B Tiger II

    4.6 years ago
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    @Antiaircraftgun congratulations you're 4 years late to the conversation

    4.6 years ago
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    @RailfanEthan the T-34's armor was no where near the armor of either the Tiger I or Tiger II. And both the Tigers have 88mm guns which can cut clean through any angled armor the T-34 had.

    +2 4.6 years ago
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    122 Darkpluto

    realisticly the tiger 2 should win because its almost impossible to kill the tiger from the front but from side or back the tiger has no chance because its too slow and heavy so the tiger would win in a normal combat situation

    7.1 years ago
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    It depends on which models tha tanks are, I don't think that T-34 model 1940 could beat a Tiger II, it depends on the distance between the tanks and the environment.
    I think the Tiger II is most likely to win. The germans gave their crews more time to practise. They often asigned experiensed crews in the Tigers and the Tiger 2 had superior armour and firepower. While the Soviets had like 1-3 hours to train before rushed into combat, and I dont think they had any manuals to help them. But the T-34s had better mobility by far, because it was a medium tank and not a heavy tank.
    The main reason that the Soviet Union won ww2 against germany was because the Soviets outnumbered the germans by far in almost every category.

    7.3 years ago
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    1,649 daygus11

    T-34 evolves into Kv-2

    7.3 years ago
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    870 PLANS

    T-34 cause i could pen the tiger side turret and ammo rack it

    8.4 years ago
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    @PLANS mid

    8.4 years ago
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    870 PLANS

    @OtherNigel early or late in the war?

    8.4 years ago
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    @PLANS it would be porsche turret, the location would be in an area like kursk, and the crews would both be moderately skilled

    8.5 years ago
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    870 PLANS

    It all depends on the CREW and the tactics and the location. But it also depends on what turret the Tiger II, is it the porsche turret?

    8.5 years ago
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    8,630 CrazyCodeC

    yuo see ivan, T-34 will always win, just as stalin intends, praise gaijin.


    8.5 years ago
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    T34 has slanted armor. The Tiger 1 does not. The slanted armor would make rounds bounce off.

    8.5 years ago
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    12.5k Notapier

    Or do you mean the American T34

    8.5 years ago
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    12.5k Notapier

    If the T-34 crew some how flanks the king tiger's side or rear and depending on the shell used and the type of T-34 being used but from the front the only place that can be pennitrated is the turret

    8.5 years ago
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    12.5k Notapier

    Depends on the situation really

    8.5 years ago
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    Tiger II

    8.5 years ago