Dear Jundroo,
I am fairly certain that I am not the only person in the world that wishes that we could customize the weapons in the parts menu to ,say, rate of fire, bullet size/barrel size, barrel length, overall size, and type of bullet, like solid, armor piercing, incendiary, auto cannon shell, tracer, and smoke trail? I am counting on community support and up votes to get this noticed by Jundroo. Please support this as an update idea, especially for IOS and Android.
Thank you for support,
@hjonk hmmm… five years ago?
hmmm... cannons?
Preach brother
I have so many planes with bad guns I have to find a modes plane to get crazy good weapons.
@FightingFalcon they need to do that!
Hey Jundroo, if you really do look at all the comments and posts, please put at least one of these ideas in an update.
I hope they can make this in a small package though.
best idea ever.
I think sound effects would be good too. Car and truck horn, Stuka dive siren, air raid siren, whistle maybe, oooooh, what about classic whistling bombs?
And no, Andrew Garrison, not all coders are lazy! Stack overflow would be a serious problem if you were =)
@FightingFalcon yes, I meant air to ground. Sorry for the confusion, coders are a bit lazy see times =)
@sicomit You've got the right idea. There's so much detail I ask for that you guys help me remember. Yes recoil forces should be thought about, especially if they make those big guns like anti-tank guns. >;-}. (HeheheheheIfeelsoevil) You would probably need hydraulic shocks. (They look the part and can also be used in trucks.)
DEVs, Recoil please
@Buizer I should have called this custom weapons instead. Guided bombs would be a good idea though. That is, if you meant air-to-ground weapons by A/G.
That would be so cool, custom guns! I am a C# coder, but I am not a part of Jundroo, unfortunately... But it won't be so hard to code that, I guess. Maybe a custom gun, new types of A/G weapons and auto turrets? And what do you think of a redesigned UI? The current looks ugly and is not that simple to use (AG is on a different tab, that makes it harder to control the plane while activating the AG).
@OtherNigel I sure hope you guys are saying this to Jundroo and not me, because I'm not a coder. But I do agree with your notion 'Nigel.
I'd like to also see a setting turned on where you can enable a set amount of ammunition. That'd be really cool.
@TheEpicLemur Someone did make a combination of an inferno and boom 50 as a sub assembly. It does work.
Hmm maybe. More bombs? Like laser guided lol @FightingFalcon
@TheEpicLemur I just thought, a setting that will allow a rotator to lock on to the direction of a nearby vehicle would be a great idea. (AUTO TURRET!)
This is probably something I want added more than anything.
It would make it so easy to make AA guns fire on ships aswell, the devs should consider this idea. I think there also should be smoke generators