This is a Major issue about people in simple planes.
"Why is it that everyone supports people with Huge amounts of points but not the poor?"
Some people make a lot of planes. Even the poor, like I used to be.
We should be helping people that does not have any points.
If not, then lots of people are going to start quitting Simple planes!
So, if you do not want everybody, even all that nice people that supports you and up votes you, all your friendly followers, to quit using simple planes, WE SHOULD ALL BE LOOKING AT THE NEWEST PLANES!
Important Announcment everybody who sees this better read this
640 Daviwavy
8.4 years ago
Don't grt what you mean
Exactly and that's why you're where you're at
@TehDuck people ARE working for them.
They make planes for points.
You're taking my words to literal what I was saying that you don't get things for free how do you think people do well on this site? By working for it stop begging
Charity is about collecting money from people and buying medicines, ETC. that will help the sick& poor people around the world.
You can' t buy things for the poor with SP points!
Clearly you didn't know what I said
Good expression and I kind of agree
I don't like Hate@RocketIndustries
This is not even similar to charity@TehDuck
Get over it people get to where they from work! Not charity
Yeah, honestly, it'd be cool if there were some motivation. I don't want this to be like ROBLOX where even if someone makes quality content it won't get noticed because they weren't at the right place and the right time.
Like I said I do look for the new stuff but those is something that is pointless as when you get better is when people notice your planes @Daviwavy
Well yeah.. but it might not be the Exactly same@CALVIN232
Some players don't know what they are doing at first even myself didn't exactly turn into a experienced builder over night just look at my first plane back then I didn't know a thing I still built a ok plane but I must say the community was more surportive to new players the problem isn't that people don't look for new players it's that there is so many there is a lot of copy cats so it's hard to keep track when you're trying not to let the copy cats get points for the builds they steal @MechWARRIOR57 @Daviwavy @FlyingHonda27 @saturn28 @MrMecha
I tend to look around for planes in all sectors new old I generally don't care about the points the person has or how many I got if I spot something interesting and mostly is the newer players that make the interesting stuff (mostly) if it's good I upvote it if it's really good and it hasn't any attention then I spotlight it and even comment on what I like
Okay @Flightsonic
I agree with you.
My apologies, I honestly didn't mean it that way, and I took the post the wrong way
I take offense of that@Flightsonic
And thank you all for agreeing!
Thank you all for upvoting!
@MrMecha oh sry
@MrMecha @Tully2001 lol... his last plane was uploaded 6 months ago and he's complaining. And it's not all about the damn points for crying out loud
that because the "poor" users make builds that were scraped together in 2 min if you are like me and played the game before you made a account then you would get points (or be like @Tully2001 )
I try, but I don't always have the time...