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Command and Conquer RolePlay S2: War Against Terrorism - Operation Firestorm

17.2k GoldenEagle  8.4 years ago


War Against Terrorism
Operation Firestorm
August 30 , 2089, 13 days before Operation Firestorm, a group of Chechens that are a part of the GLA began to attack Volgograd, with support from the rebelling locals, the city began to crumble. But the GLA stated that they are not responsible for it but one thing saved them. The attackers said that they are seperating from the main faction and create the "True GLA Loyalists" that retain the original pre-GWW1 GLA that is to have world domination and destroying all of the powers of the world, even Awwam. They gained a ton of support from loyalists who lived a quiet life until they heard that the "real GLA" is back, they are armed to the max, almost matching the military might of Awwam, Paternia or GAE. They now have several branches around the world, and as a splinter cell of the GLA, they have their equipment from the parent faction even before they broke away. A new War on Terror has begun.

September 12, 2089, Northern Ural Mountains, UNSR-Avaruan border, Operation Firestorm has begun. Captain Shaun Virya, a Katipunian Special Snow Forces leader was tasked to get rid of a weapons facility that was built by the True GLA Loyalists in the mountain range, he is partnered with Black Lotus, a Chinese that evacuated China after the collapse of the Asian NFK (Cuba is still a part of the NFK) and served in the Japanese Technological Self-Defense Force. Captain Virya is sent in with his sniper team and AT team via Malakiya IFV that destroyed a camp-site near the river, while Black Lotus is sent in via Helix in the other side of the river. While on their way to the mountain, Captain Virya spotted a POW camp filled with Chechen and Avaruan POWs, they sought to rescue them, but there is a Tunnel Network system at the river, and a True GLA Loyalist base in the other side too. Black Lotus was told to capture a forward base near her, send in tanks and troops, and destroy the True GLA Loyalist base. After the base was captured, Black Lotus' team is on the way towards the other base, and Captain Virya went to the village after a transmission was sent from there by 2 Honey Badger MBTs and they were called in as reinforcements,they were waiting at the gate at the other side of the village and the village is surrounded by True GLA Loyalists with captured Avaruan tanks and Technicals. His team went to the village and went in an apartment building 8 stories high. He ordered his snipers to find the allied tanks and find a route to them, they found them and there is a route to the tanks just near them, with only 6 guards, it is their only safest route. There are 3 checkpoints with 2 guards in the route and snipers took out the guards and Captain Virya and his AT-team hid the bodies inside buildings, this goes for the other 2 checkpoints until they reached the tanks. They now have two tanks in the team.

Back in the other side, Black Lotus is hacking a research facility near them, they found out what they are researching for, Anthrax Gamma, Cold-fusion Explosives, and an upgraded Baikonur Rocket. They stole the plans for the UPNW InterCom to use against the rebel group.
She communicated with Captain Virya via Kommandarsatela-Aries 4

Black Lotus: I have some secret stuff from the GLA Seperatists.
Captain Virya: Yeah, what are those?
Black Lotus: Plans for Anthrax Gamma, Cold-Fusion Explosives, and a brand new Baikonur Rocket.
Captain Virya: Whoa! Well, after this, send it to HQ, da?
Black Lotus: Got it!

Captain Virya and his team went back to the POW camp to rescue the POWs. He sent in the two tanks firs to neutralize the Stinger Site and the two captured Avaruan tanks while He and the snipers rescue the POWs. It is a success, and there is one POW who is an Avaruan General. His name is Viktor Yorsoliev, the most famed Avaruan General ever, he led the attacks against the Argentine forces in Avaruan Brazil and all of his attacks are successful until his capture in September 3, 2089. He said that he wants to join Captain Virya as a scout, as he is once a recon-tank commander, and he knows all the ways to the base but all routes are heavily guarded by the Loyalists.

Viktor Yorsoliev: Wait, there is a huge forward base up ahead, be careful, they have SCUDs and Marauders, zet gian da a'ya rufvila. (So give them all you have)
Captain Virya: Yirat! Piyi, kyogrosi ya Aurun? Ni roba. (Alright! Also, you can speak Aurun? Not bad)
Viktor Yorsoliev: Yes, I can speak Aurun because it is the only language that the Loyalists don't know.
Captain Virya: Ok, now, we will be going, a sniper will be there with you to provide us with our eyes.
Viktor Yorsoliev: Drevi kar! (Good Luck!)

They started to attack the base, but to their surprise, the base defected from the Loyalists and allied themselves with Captain Virya. They now have a base near the vicinity of the Weapons Facility that is in the mountains. They started to build Marauders, SCUD Launchers, and Scorpion Tanks. The defectors have 500 men ready to fight. The technicals patrol around the area of the base and they prepared for the strike.
The have built an airfield made out of snow, just to get the VSKF-32s a place to land.

The attack begins, the plow through the heavily defended checkpoints with little-to-no casualties. Then they move towards the Loyalists' main base there. The battle was fierce with Captain Virya's forces sustained minor casualties while the Loyalists suffered a ton and lost their base. But the mission isn't over yet, they have to destroy the facility that is inside the mountains, Captain Virya climbed the mountain and stopped near a cliff near the facility. He grabbed his sniper rifle, took out a few guards and lazed the base for the VSKF-32s to bomb it with Firestorm Napalm Bombs to prevent the toxins in its storage from leaking into the river. The jets came in and bombed the facility, it is a success. The village is liberated, and the defectors pledged allegiance to Katipunia. Operation Firestorm is successful, and this marks the start of the War Against Terrorism or The War Against the True GLA Loyalists.

Mini Stories

In the Mini Stories section, you can contibute a story for the RP, leave the story in the comments and be sure to tag me or any of the moderators of the RP to see it, everyone can leave a story, even if they are in the RP or not, but make sure that the story isn't too long or too short, Thanks!

Random Event

In the Random Event Section, each nation or faction or group will get an event every episode
For ALL Factions, and Companies except Katipunia
Katipunia needs guns. They need an Anti-Materiel Sniper Rifle, an Assault Carbine, and an SMG.
Please put out your offers and the price for 1000

Treaty Section:
Treaty of The Cessation of Canada
-ErvenDynamics will gain new Land and a new territory, Called Canada, and Greenland
-ErvenDynamics will not attack Awwam, And Will assist Awwam in times of need.
-ErvenDynamics Will pay a penalty of 50 Billion Dollars in the case of breaking this Treaty.
-ErvenDynamics will Govern the province's of Canada with honour and pride towards all available religions,
-The new Government of Canada And Greenland will not Disgrace Muslims in their places of worship and for other religions.
Awwam : Signed
Canada : Signed

Eurasian Peace Agreement
The ESR will not attack Awwam unprovoked, this only includes millitary action.
- Awwam will not attack the ESR unprovoked, this only includes millitary action.
- Neither party can encore the wrath of the block, so long as the treaty is adhered to.
- The Federation's millitary cannot be entirely discounted, as can their types.
-Awwams Military will not be Discounted, Entirely.
- Awwam will be allowed to resume non-millitary trade with the ESR.
- The ESR will not become involved directly with conflicts involving the Paternian Republic and Awwam.
-Penalty for Breaking the Treaty will result in a 100 Billion Euros Payback to the UPNW for either side.
The ESR : Signed
Awwam : Signed'

Wars & Notable Events:
Great World War 2 (February 2088-March 2089)
Biological War (April 2088-June 2089)
The Great Naval War (July 2089-present)
Southern Chechen War (August 2089-September 2089)

Date: September 2089

Legend: Red = Disputed Territories
Note: Map isnt updated

Countries & Territories:

Argentina (Brown)[Republic]
Leader: FetiYetiIndustries
Alliance: UWP

Avarua (Bazaar)[Stratocracy]
Leader: Mudkip
Members: DankDorito
Alliance: AFP, UWP, NRNW

Awwam (Green)[Caliphate]
Leader: tanklovers/MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation
Members: Supermini555, exosuit, DJbanana, , CaesiciusPlanes, hopotumon, shukurneon, TimeTraveller, ArrowDart
Alliance: UMN, UPNW

Federal Republic of Berus (Black)[Federal Republic] Neutral
Leader: AccipitrisEnterprises
Alliance: UPNW, NTTF

Leader: TheBroadside
Alliance: NRNW

Canadian Republic (Orange-Red)[Democratic Republic]
Leader : ErvenDynamics
Members :
Alliance : UPNW

Chechnya (Cyan)[Islamic Republic]

Democratic Republic of Poland (Dark Olive Green)[Democratic Republic]
Leader: DRP
Alliance: UPNW

Ecuador (Gold)[Communist Republic]
Leader: ElGatoVolador
Alliance: UPNW, NRNW

Empire of Rako (Lime)[Theodemocracy]
Leader: Pluto

Great African Empire (Light Grey)[Closed Democracy]
Leader: LeHoneyBadger
Alliance: UPNW

ESR (Purple)[Federation]
Leader: PINK
Members: TemDesBur
Alliance: NRNW

Excellent Arabian Caliphate (Asphalt)[Caliphate]
Leader: MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation
Alliance: UPNW

Independent Territories of Taiwan (Turqoise)[Federal Republic] Neutral
Leader: Viper28
Alliance: NTTF, PP

Japan (Tan)[Parliamentary Republic]
Leader: MikuKat
Alliance: NRNW, UPNW

Katipunia (Light Blue)[Democratic Republic]
Leader: GoldenEagle
Alliance: UPNW, Slavic Union, PP

Lanzarrian Conglomerate (Yellow)[Communist]
Leader: JakeTheDogg
Alliance: Slavic Union, UPNW

NFK (Pink)[Socialist Territorial Republic] Neutral
Leader: PINK
Alliance: NRNW, UPNW

Paternian Republic (Blue)[Federal Republic]
Leader: Pilotmario
Alliance: NRNW, UPNW

Portugal (Dark Green)[Democratic Republic]
Leader: 1gman4evr
Alliance: CAT, UPNW

Republic of Sals (Blue-Violet)[Territorial Republic] Neutral
Leader: SimpleTechAndResearch
Members: Mox
Alliance: UWP

UNSR (Orange)[Republic]
Leader: DankDorito
Alliance: ESR, UPNW

Republic of Zealand (???)[Republic]
Leader: Makcoink
Alliance: UPNW


True GLA Loyalists [Seperatist World Super Terror Group]
Leader: Unknown
Members: Unknown
Country of Origin: Chechnya
Country of Allegiance: None

Katipunian GLA [UPNW Liberation Group]
Country of Origins: Defected from the True GLA Loyalists
Country of Allegiance: Katipunia

Australian Liberationist Army/ALA [Liberation Group]
Leader: RMark1
Country of Origin: Awwam
Country of Allegiance: Paternia

Task Force 6|Firqat Al-Nukhbat Min Al-Awwam |TF6 [International Elite Task Force]
Leader : Lieutenant Muhannad Qadir
Members : 316 Different Elite Soldiers
Country of origin : EAC
Country of Allegiance : Awwam/EAC

Mongolian-Chinese Secular Revolutionists [Revolutionary Group]
Members: 890 Million Supportors
Country of Origin: Mongolia, China
Country of Allegiance

True Paternia! [Communist Group]
Leader: Ex-Awwami Soldier Mujahari Ranaya
Members: 56 Million Supporters
Country of Origin: Paternian Republic United States.
Country of Allegiance : None.

Global Liberation Army/GLA [Islamic Liberation Group]
Leader: Sharky
Country of Origin: Awwam, Arabia, GAE, Russia, Bosnia
Country of Allegiance: Arabia

Hukbalahap [Anti-Japanese Group, Communist Group]
Leader: San Gregorio del Hesus
Members: Juan Marquez
Country of Origin: Philippines, Japan
Country of Allegiance: None

Portuguese Communist Movement [Communist Revolutionary Group]
Country of Origin: Northern Portugal
Country of Allegiance:

Red Arms [Rebel Group](Light Pink)
Leader: Shipwright
Country of Origin: Madagascar
Country of Allegiance:

Sultan Kudarat Rebel Group/Grupo ni Sultan Kudarat/SKRG [Rebel Group]
Leader: Viktor Marcos a.k.a. Sultan Kudarat
Country of Origin: Philippines, Borneo, Indonesia
Country of Allegiance: None

Walrus Alliance
Leader: Himynameiswalrus
Country of Origin: ???
Country of Allegiance:


Katipunia-Paternian Union

UPNW Organizations & Sub-factions (All regulated by Mods/GoldenEagle)

HARPIA Defence Systems
Primary: Dimkal

YTech Arms Manufacturing
Primary : YuukaNeko
Secondary :

Ongoing Wars

Beligerents in the Argentine-Katipunian War (Great Naval War)

Katipunia, PR (Supporting Katipunia), Avarua, GAE, Ecuador

Beligerents in the War Against Terrorism/War Against the True GLA Loyalists

UPNW: Katipunia, Katipunian GLA, ESR
True GLA Loyalists

For MORE info, see this UPNW World Statistics Page

Rules & How to Join

-Do not be a jerk
-Do not be OP or else, you will be kicked out
-Wars can continue if the parties are both online, and the ones with the "Offline" tag, cannot be attacked
-You can have up to 3 Alliances(The UPNW Alliance is exempted from this rule)
-Alliances can only have 6 Nations and 8 Territories
-Do not forget to tag me if you made a creation for the RP
-Taking land will take a long time, not in an instant
-Leaders can make choices for his/her country
-Attacking a neutral country may result in every other country and group target the certain country who attacks a neutral one
-No Space-warfare stuff (except for Sattelites, Rockets, and Orbital Bombardment) we are not fighting aliens and this ruins the RP's purpose of following the C&C Generals series
-Do not be too rude to others, especially to MikuKat (If anyone is being rude to you Miku, tell it to Me or LeHoneyBadger)
-No Swearing, or Censor the Swear word
-You can be a part of both a group and a nation
-Any Inactive Countries/Groups can be partally controlled by the host and the mods (a.k.a. build for them)
-You can freely trade/buy/sell tech and equipment
-Tank Gun limit: 275mm
-Artillery limit: 750mm
-To join, enter the following: Name (Color)[Government Type/Group Type]
That's all for the rules! And I will update it whenever possible

Banned Stuff: Teleportation(external), Anti-Matter Weapons(With exceptions), Cloning, Superweapon Spam

Moderators: MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation, SimpleTechAndResearch, Pilotmario, DankDorito

Max Number of Mods: 7

Requirements for being a Moderator

-Must be online everytime
-Must have read the rules

RP Idea and Main Story by GoldenEagle (Me)
Add me on Discord as GoldenEagleSP #4159 or If you want to join the chat, tell me and I or the mods will give you the invite link

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  • Profile image
    1,694 1gman4evr

    @GoldenEagle Ok Midway isn't owned. I'll take that.

    8.4 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @GoldenEagle It's okay, kuya.

    8.4 years ago
  • Profile image
    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @Pilotmario Yeah.... please forgive me master T-T

    8.4 years ago
  • Profile image
    148k Pilotmario

    @GoldenEagle Australia is a continent, sir.

    And I'm claiming Hainan Island. We've held out on the Island for the longest time.

    8.4 years ago
  • Profile image
    5,850 GALM1

    @Pilotmario ok

    8.4 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @1gman4evr some are
    The claimed and owned Islands:
    Kuril (Katipunia)
    Iwo Jima (Japan)
    Palau (Paternia)
    Hawaii (Paternia)
    Wake Island (Paternia)
    Palmyra Atoll (Paternia)
    Philippine Is. (Katipunia)
    Australia (Awwam)
    Niue (ROZ)
    Indonesian Is. (Awwam)
    Marshall Islands (Paternia)
    Solomon Islands (Paternia)
    Guam (Paternia)

    8.4 years ago
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    1,694 1gman4evr

    @GoldenEagle Also can I invade the Pacific islands? There unowned if I'm correct.

    8.4 years ago
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    1,694 1gman4evr

    @GoldenEagle Hey, can I make a country called, Worker's Union of Paraguay (WUP)
    Territories: Paraguay (Paraguay is the little strip of uncolored land in South America) Color: Light purple
    Their communist (and enemies of Portugal)

    8.4 years ago
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    @Pilotmario we didn't even have our eyes on mars

    8.4 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @GALM1 If you wish to join, you can probably manage Japan. MikuKat isn't particularly active.

    8.4 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @PyrusEnderhunter I gave no orders as to how to conduct that war. The Paternian Armed Forces were not involved, other than refusing to allow you to land on Mars.

    8.4 years ago
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    Not only that but then they shoot down my exodus full of innocent people...... @Pilotmario.
    I thought they would spare civilians... turns out I was wrong... because they labeled them as aliens gives them no right to slaughter them when they either ran or surrendered.

    8.4 years ago
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    @Pilotmario could we plz have a treaty? My people are stuck on Pluto and they wanna come back....

    8.4 years ago
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    @Pilotmario well then. Ain't that nice of dem......

    8.4 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario


    All the moderators. GoldenEagle felt you were OP so we decided to nerf you. @PyrusEnderhunter

    8.4 years ago
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    @Pilotmario you....... were you the one that activated the invasion against me?

    8.4 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @ChasingHorizon Nice! Just join our Dischord Server!

    @GoldenEagle We've got a new navy! And a new member of the Paternian Republic!

    8.4 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario


    8.4 years ago
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    @PyrusEnderhunter uhhh, k

    8.4 years ago
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    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation New episode yet? I pretty sure the TGLA is now a nuked up post-zombie land.

    8.4 years ago
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    @FireNut58 lol K

    8.4 years ago
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    713 FireNut58

    @PINK im not in the role play no ty

    8.4 years ago
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    1,694 1gman4evr

    @PINK @GoldenEagle @Pilotmario After 2 years of work. It is ready. Best ship type ever

    8.4 years ago
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    157k MAHADI

    err, I can't make anything for this, because I don't have the latest version...

    8.4 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @RMark1 sorry, I was busy with all stuff....

    8.4 years ago
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