Can somebody make a mod that allows players to look underwater, and has a feature that allows motors be used underwater but can be turned on and off. It's because of this underwater pit in front of Maywar.
@Gestour I donβt the devs thought about necroposting.
@JetFly No problem.
@Gestour Oh thanks very much.
@JetFly Link
@Gestour Can I have a link?
I found that you already did it, but that's been after this comment.
DIdn't noticed that topic is year old
@JetFly are you being serious?
You are responding to something over a year old here.
I released an underwater mod shortly after this post was made. So I am well aware of whats down there. Thanks.
@Gestour nope!
"The water is not transparent, which means you can't see through it.
There's nothing down there, at all. sorry,"
@Gestour πππ bru
@oDDDity Are you ODDDynamics?
I use a special color filter. @oDDDity
@Gestour In the link shown there is a link on that post which shows a picture of a birds eye view of Maywar on a certain color filter that shows this big pit.
link of the picture
The water is not transparent, which means you can't see through it.
There's nothing down there, at all. sorry,
@Gestour ?