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a question for my followers how ever manny i have and some other stuff

713 FireNut58  8.4 years ago

would you like it if i made statues of things ?
reason i ask is wile i am not the best at making stuff move or fly i can certainly make stuff that at least look cool because i play minecraft and i know how to take a 3d model and then put it in minecraft and build it as if i was the 3d printer if not then please give me a idea what you might light so then i can get a bit of ideas going and maybe stuff that you like to see and possibly a little bit for every one not to please every one long term because i know u cant always do that but rather just so people can get something by fallowing me because over all i am thankful for the followers i have rather then these long spells of me not knowing what to do next and i hate to see what followers i do have suffer all because i am not the best at this game and/or that i have not a idea what to make but all the same i do love the game i just do not know wich direction to go next so it be fantastic if i got some feed back if you do give that feed back please go easy like i said i am not the best at it so until i get good a the game i was hopping i was able to find a way to still release original content and still be something i know i can do i know some times i do not always do that and i am sorry for that i have not exactly had ideas or opportunity to learn a bit more properly and i feel by not being able to do that i let you down a bit again i am sorry i just am not the best at this game right now and i want to be able more then anything right now for my followers is to have original content that they can download and enjoy and possibly it becomes more then me sharing stuff with some people and so friends i feel there much potencial (this is where google thought it be funny to start failing me on my spelling referance and start puting everythign in spanish so pls bare w/ my dysleixci typing if not take it up w/ them i tried and not gonna kill my self over a gammer and spellingwhen i dotn ahve anythign to referance to cover my dyslexia ) thats not yet reached for what can be on simple planes game and web page for both me and the followers i have rather then me feeling like i got these followers and im just sitting on my but dot even attmpting to do much about it wich i feel bad for but i do want to atleast say ill try a bit harder i cant say how well i do but ill try i aslo asked about the stachue thing becase i dotn want it to be jsut my profile in a sence becase of the fllowers that do fallow me so far i want them to be able say to me i got this idea or so on and it trusn ito more of a littel comunity where every oen lieks to build thigns and are kind to one another and possible help each toher so then if per say were stuck ona build it dont feel like 500 years to get acomplish but again thx for the fallowing and ty for all the upvotes!

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    254 sethroach

    i made giant boats that go fast and are over 100,000 pounds no modes and look good and stuff that are realy cool and took for ever to make and allmost no downloads or upvotes and you cant see them sence they have no downlodes and to see them you haft to go to postes and theres more i haft to wate to poast and i only have 3 folowers :( and i put in so much efert and i get no folowers points or up votes

    7.6 years ago
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    713 FireNut58

    @DuckMintnewprofile ty

    8.4 years ago
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    49.2k Wogchamp

    You have two followers. :)

    8.4 years ago
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    713 FireNut58

    @Rcb1235 thx =-D

    8.4 years ago
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    15.6k Rcb1235

    @FireNut58 And also, I don't mind your dyslexic tipping, I can still understand it.

    8.4 years ago
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    15.6k Rcb1235

    @FireNut58 Don't get to stressed out about providing for your followers. A little while back I could not think of anything to build and ended up taking a 20 day break. I felt really bad for my followers, but they didn't seem to mind. That statue idea sounds good, than after you make the statues, we can make them fly or drive or float. I think that would be a lot of fun.

    8.4 years ago
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    713 FireNut58

    @Rcb1235 @ mustafanaveed please read this to the best of ur ability

    8.4 years ago