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Times have changed

81.6k Himynameiswalrus  8.4 years ago

When I became platinum 6 months ago, I was only the 15th person to ever do that, if I had the points I have today back then, I would be the best player on earth. You only needed 18k points to get to the front page, now you need 35.7k to get on the front. Times have changed

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    @NovaTopaz you and me both Topaz and I actually was one if the very first people to even play the game

    8.3 years ago
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    4,841 NovaTopaz

    I remember when there was no points system, even before there was comments on creations! When reddit was the forum for basically everything this game had, updates, spoilers and insights to updates, and every topic under the rainbow, really. Many good friends gone, but many new friends made. A long time has passed... And the community grew in that time. I remember when there was no VTOL engines in this game. Times where there was a detacher glitch(still kinda exists, but not the way it used to) that allowed VTOL engines to power a craft attached to the cockpit skyward at basically whatever speed you could, just adding more VTOL engines.

    ... Times have definitely changed.

    8.4 years ago
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    46.8k JMicah4

    I remember when Scrifers was the highest and the first gold.

    8.4 years ago
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    138k BaconEggs

    Yes, definitely. I remembered the highest player only had about 10K, now the highest player has 146K.

    8.4 years ago
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    True, true

    8.4 years ago