This will change the power of the engine. Just change the number.
these tags will make your engine exhaus colored. replace the colorcode with a
html colorcode like
00FF00 (green)
0000FF (blue)
also try other color codes like 000000, FFFFFF, 0F0F0F, F0F0F0. they always must have 6 letters (use F and 0)
Important: 0 is zero (number)
will scale the engine exhaust
set the input to "Throttle" or "VTOL" or "FireGuns" and many other
will change the color (1 means the first color in the table of colors, 2 means second color...)(-3 is always black)
rotate the part
scale your engine
scale the mass
anyone, i just wanna ask, i want to make a strong shield for my Autonomous Biological Killing Weapon Robot. Can you help me to make the shield unbreakable? like bulletproof and explosive-proof
is there any way i can customise the secondary exhaust scale? i have ft to make the throttle more powerful in certain situation but the ab flame size is not what i wanted
@PilotOfFuture Ok I sent you a freind request
@Fjorge #1700 i guess
@PilotOfFuture What about the number tag?
@Fjorge PilotOfFuture
@PilotOfFuture Ok M8 what is your account name?
@Fjorge done, i can't verify my email adress, but it seems to work though
@PilotOfFuture ok
@Fjorge i was gonna make one... so jes, in 10 minutes
@PilotOfFuture what could you possibly use this for?
@PilotOfFuture do you have a discord account?
@Fjorge ok, thats cool. Probably gonna use it some day ^_^
@PilotOfFuture there isn't a way... 0 is mods, 1-21 is normal forum posts, 22-some number is plane tags
@Fjorge number 22... what are are the other numbers after that? How can we find out without testing everyone
@PilotOfFuture This
@Fjorge how to?
@PilotOfFuture No like a forum post with a multirole tag
@Fjorge you mean like in this post?
@PilotOfFuture I found out how to make a multirole forum post...
@PilotOfFuture Thanks!
@Fjorge thank you ^_^
And btw congrats on 18 followers
@PilotOfFuture Congrats on 50 Followers ;)
@Fjorge idk
@PilotOfFuture Why would I get into your account?