This is a Contest!
You have to make an airliner.
It has to be either an airbus or a Boeing.
To enter the contest, you have to upvote.
Then Tell me your jet's name and you are entered.
Whoever wins will get an upvote to all of their planes.
Have fun and don't forget to try your best!
Wow, it was supposed to end on the 15th.. month later.
wow thanks alot.... YAY@Daviwavy
@A3 and @BaconEggs gets both of their planes upvoted.
By the way, there has to be 3+ contestants or this will be a tie.
Okay the due date is 10/25/2016.
that's too close of a date can you extend it? (mine is gonna take a while) @Daviwavy
The due date is 10/15/16.
Please tell every one of your followers about this contest.
That's what I asked he said Fokker is aloud @MrSilverWolf
Thanks my jets name is Qantas link Fokker F100 you'll see it @Daviwavy
You can build Douglas jets too
Okay I will allow that too@A3
@EasternHorizon making an aircraft post for something that belongs in the forums
Could it be Fokker as well?
welp I'm gonna lose @BaconEggs
I could.. just use this.
Look I know you said only Airbus or Boeing but can I add my only airliner the Fokker F100- Qantas link PLEASE PLEASE I don't have enough time to make a bigger aircraft at least say make any commercial plane
@EasternHorizon with the new rules I don't know if you can (TheLatentImage's post)