@MrVaultech Can I have an updated insignia? https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=native+american+thunderbird&view=detailv2&&id=E47F968B916AF2EB0469B831D8080C8EAFF63F46&selectedIndex=28&ccid=ajylWmMK&simid=608029411722397995&thid=OIP.M6a3ca55a630a63e1dea17d260b4af10do0&ajaxhist=0
@MrVaultech Don't me to be a micromanager but how's it going
@MrVaultech Thanks!
Thank you@MrVaultech
@NativeChief1492 @horatio
I'll get to work on 'em
@MrVaultech Can I have an updated insignia? https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=native+american+thunderbird&view=detailv2&&id=E47F968B916AF2EB0469B831D8080C8EAFF63F46&selectedIndex=28&ccid=ajylWmMK&simid=608029411722397995&thid=OIP.M6a3ca55a630a63e1dea17d260b4af10do0&ajaxhist=0
Here is what I want
Can you make a insignia for me @MrVaultech
@MrVaultech :-)
You're welcome!
@MrVaultech Thanksl
@MrVaultech OK, thanks!
Hmm... Native American... I'll look for something, and make it.
@MrVaultech I don't know. Something cool that goes on the fuselage. And is native american
Sure, I guess I can. What do you want it to look like?