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To my dear friend,

12.6k Flippos  8.4 years ago

Arena closer,
what a beautifull piece of machinery you are!
Conquerring the arena as you please,
whilst crushing all the players' dreams.

I look up to you in every way,
from your round body,
to your bullet bay,

I shall summon you now in this game,
because I find it's players lame*...


*JK LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!! And this community :3.

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    12.6k Flippos

    @DesertEagle3450 @cowelly Thanks, I ofcourse love this wonderfull community it just seemed to be dunnier when I wrote it that way XD.

    Besides if I hated on this community I'd hate myself too :3.

    8.4 years ago
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    1,128 cowelly

    Glad you don't find the rest of the SP Community lame in real life - fun bunch of folks. Thanks for the poem interesting read.

    8.4 years ago