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4th and 5+ generations fighters challenge! And AA vs Attackers news.

69.5k deusalgor  8.4 years ago

Ok, my previous challenge was really intense, all thanks to 64 participants, you guys awesome!

So, we already had VK Community open tournaments for:
- WWI fighters;
- WWII prop fighters;
- Early jet fighters;
- 1955-1975 fighters (3rd generation mostly)
See where we are heading? =) It is time for modern metal birds of prey to clash each other in epic dogfightes over Krakabloa (or Wright Isles).
Rules for new challenge you can find here

Now about AA vs Attackers challenge results.
After lot of calculations, even after I nerfed couple times accuracy, AA team gives almost no chance to attacker planes. Lack of AA killers (planes with rocket armament only) became the main reason of attack team failure. I already give 3 upvotes to each AA team player as a main prize. I'll give other prizes asap.
If you interested in nice flaks or attack planes - go to this challenge. There is a bunch of them.

Also I released new video tutorial about mods, go here for more info

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    69.5k deusalgor

    @DandruffCat you can try and see what will happen :)

    8.4 years ago
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    14.1k DandruffCat

    Shoot. I'd like to do this challenge, but older prop planes are what I love. I don't think I could do a modern fighter.

    8.4 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    I see.

    Of note, the A-1 Pummeler usually adopts an attack profile akin to a rocket strafing attack. Pilots often use 250lb parachute bombs for this purpose, so they can fly low and fast without blowing them up. They are often fitted with DIE (Destructive Interference Emissions) equipment in the tail, in order to disrupt the accuracy of radar-based gun directors; the destructive interference of DIE serves to cancel out radar signals, requiring the guns to be manually sighted.

    8.4 years ago