Speed: 25-30 when going uphill. 40-47 on level ground. 50-60 when going downhill.
Suspension: none
They seem to take the path of least resistance, as large bumps will damage them and cause them to flip due to the lack of suspension.
The AA tanks seem to be the most complex of the cars, utilizing multiple rotators and blocks mirrored into eachother, creating a camo-like effect, all with a ridiculously low part count.
The part count of the trucks (by my estimate) is about 50-60, and 70-115 for the tanks. I got all of these estimates while cruising alongside the convoy in my rugged chassis, which you can find on my page.
there is no truck @Himynameiswalrus
@NathanMikeska With powerful guns I once launced and chased the Beast into snowstone
@t8erh8er nowhere in particular. They just keep moving forwards.
Thanks! I am without my PC at the moment. So yeah. @NathanMikeska
@bspboy @CanofBeans Convoys are on mobile if ground traffic is enabled in the settings menu. There should be a convoy running around the volcano on Krakabloa. There should also be a convoy assault combat mission.
@WNP78 so if you get a sky crane, add guns to destroy the aa tanks, and add a claw so you can pick the trucks up you could win?
Are the convoys on mobile?
Where can you find them? Is it not an iOS thing cause I have never seen them!
you need to release it @WNP78
@WNP78 Ha nice! I set them up to die when they leave the ground for too long so that if they get tipped over but not damaged enough, they will be considered dead (as a truck laying on its side isn't really going anywhere without some intervention).
It also seems they die when they leave the ground for too long. I made a mod that resets their 'time off ground' counters to 0 every few secs, which stopped that, although I never got round to releasing it. It also added magnets which can attract them, so that you can capture and enslave them with ease :)
@KingDeadshot Destoryers/Carriers are similar, but even more basic than the convoy vehicles as they do not turn or follow waypoints (or even interact with the water). That is why you can see some very strange behavior when you start messing with em.
That is not to imply that there wasn't a fair amount of work put in to both... It is definitely more involved than it sounds, but at its most basic level, they are pretty simple.
most likely the same@KingDeadshot
@NathanMikeska lol simplematrix, the truck is not actually there
@MechWARRIOR57 Yep... Literally sliding across the ground on a couple capsule colliders.
so its just a model that's moving is what your saying? @NathanMikeska
@NathanMikeska very clever. I would have never figured that out
We fake as much as possible for the sake of performance and gameplay when it comes to the convoys. I think the effect is fairly reasonable at a distance (which is typical). If you get right up on them and observe them closely, you can start to see where we fake it.
The convoy vehicles are not created like other vehicles in the game. They have no parts or actual wheels. Basically, they are like solid blocks sliding along the ground. Visually the wheels turn, but they aren't actually doing anything. :-)
@KingDeadshot LOLOL
@KingDeadshot it appears I did
@KingDeadshot #triggered
@Himynameiswalrus but their programming is much more basic, it's just point A to point B
@KingDeadshot true