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10.1k Haydenthedrummer  8.3 years ago

lol my first forum post XD. So several months ago I started making planes with interiors. I selected a vintage style and Created 10 very successful, beautiful etc aircraft. I still have them on my page. then I made some more modern interior aircraft. (H-35 series) those planes did extremely well. and then there was nothing. 2 interior planes that did well. (DH2C and DHC4) and after those two planes everything just stopped. I stopped making planes and cars completely. I couldn't make anything good anymore. anything I tried wasn't successful. my parts were outdated and the community forgot about my page. so I was silent for 2 months. And then one day I had an idea. I made a seaplane. (H-37 series) I thought they were cool but they weren't successful. Then I decided to snap out of it and come back. Work harder use parts smarter new ideas. And I took a long Delete repeated word look at those 15 planes that made me go viral.

AND THEN AS OF LAST NIGHT ( 10-11-16) I worked very very hard to build and release the L-188 Electra. That plane right there brought me back. out of my whole and back up to speed. I don't know if anyone has been reading all of this XD but I just wanted to say IM BACK I HAVE A LARGE INVENTORY OF PARTS AND IDEAS WAITING TO BE BROUGHT TO YOU GUYS!!!!!!

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    8.3 years ago
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    8,550 Tona01

    ¡¡Its awesome to see you again, I never expect having a lot of upvotes or featured i just let them come, because i think this is a community and not a competition or something like that, dont give up, remember, "Succes is not what you've achieved, it is the the effort you did against bad moments to achieve that", cheers, @Haydenthedrummer

    8.3 years ago
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    Thank you you did a great job on your handley page!!

    8.3 years ago
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    1,128 cowelly

    Great to see you back. I have two fuselages designed by you posted in my downloads and all are popular. I acknowledged that they were by you of course as well as the bits which my friends at Scottishjocks added. Then got them to fly successfully as the Handley Page Hastings (two versions) and Vickers Varsity (RAF Version) :o)

    8.3 years ago