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The dark bite ending

1,426 SylverTheFolf  8.3 years ago

3rd chance at an upvote

At the city plaza,

Shopkeeper: hello, what may be your business here?

Ice bear: ice bear here for supplies to cure vampirism.

Shopkeeper: ah, vampirism. I see, here is the garlic and holy water.

Ice bear: how did you know that was what ice bear was seeking?

Shopkeeper: I've read a book about it, And I believe vampires are real, so I always have those ingredients in case of an outbreak.

Ice bear: ice bear has vampire problem at home. Panda was the first one ice bear saw as a vampire, and as soon as panda got home, panda must've bit grizz.

Shopkeeper: hmm, bad luck I suppose. That will be free of charge since you are curing vampirism on, are they relatives?

Ice bear: ice bear's brothers

Shopkeeper: brothers, you mean family. I'll throw in a coupon book for you if you survive.

Ice bear: ice bear thanks you.

Shopkeeper: you're welcome.

At sundown, ice bear returned to the cave and brewed the cure

Ice bear: ice bear ready for you, vampires.(sees figure blur by) ice bear knows it is you, grizz.(sees another figure blur by)and you panda.

Grizz:(surprise attacks, missing ice bear) you can't run forever! Your blood will soon be mine!

Panda:(grabs ice bear) ha, now it's mine!(gets hit by ice bear, releasing him) ow! You!

Ice bear:(grabs cure, spilling it in vampire panda's direction, missing the target) ice bear missed.(gets grabbed by panda) ice bear failed, now possibly will beco-(gets bitten by vampire panda)-ow.

Grizz: hey! The blood was mine!

Ice bear falled bloodless onto the floor, awakening a vampire immediately

Ice bear: (now vampirized) ice bear now wants blood. Come, brothers, into the night.

The trio went out into the night, biting lots of people, sucking their blood, and transforming them into vampires, creating the outbreak the shopkeeper was preparing for.

The end.