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Command and Conquer RolePlay S2: War Against Terrorism - The Grizdenvall AFB Incident & Operation: Black Dawn

17.2k GoldenEagle  8.5 years ago


The Grizdenvall AFB Incident by AccipitrisEnterprises
Grizdenvall Incident Report.
October 8, 2090

The Grizdenvall AFB Incident (Also known as the ABK Incident) was an armed confrontation between Berusian and
Awwami aircraft, the incident is believed to have been a scheme perpetrated by the True GLA to start a war between
the Federal Republic of Berus and Awwam.
The confrontation started when a Berusian SG-350 locked onto an Awwami Thumper CAS
and engaged it, later on, there were now 3 Nations involved when a Katipunian Aurora Bomber
nearly ran out of fuel after a lengthy routine patrol.
The base was later destroyed when a TGLA team leader launched 60 missiles into the airspace and
obliterated every single object within the blast's reach.
The base was later reconstructed and had a plaque regarding the encounter..


An Awwami Thumper CAS is undergoing weapons and flight test at an Undisclosed location in Awwam,
a Berusian SG-350 (Callsign - Heavy Rain) in Grizdenvall AFB picks up the Thumper and locks on to it.
HR - "Base Com., we have locked on to an unknown aircraft 3km from here, permission to engage."
Base - "Affirmative, Heavy Rain, Permission Granted. Load a SkyBlanket shell and take it down."
HR - "Understood, loading SkyBlanket, locked and loaded in 30 seconds."

The Awwami is still unaware that something is locked onto him until...
Thumper - "[Unintelligible, Presumably the Awwami Base com]
This is Thumper, over."
"Preparing weapons test."
- Lock on alert starts to blare onboard
"Eagle Eye, I've been locked on! Where's it coming from!?"
Eagle Eye - "Thumper, this is Eagle Eye, we're picking up the lock signal SPG in Grizdenvall AFB
that's Berusian territory!"
Thumper - "Roger, send the coordinates of the signal."
Eagle Eye - "Understood, sending coordinates, check the minimap on your left."
Thumper - "Got it, vectoring to 1-8-0."
- Thumper accelerates and will be within Grizdenvall AFB in a minute -
Thumper - "Eagle Eye, this is Thumper, engaging hostile, switching to ATGMs."
Eagle Eye - "Understood, deal with the target precisely and with utmost caution,
we don't want another repeat of the GWW."
Thumper - "3 Miles to Weapons release"
"2 Miles to Weapons release"
"1.5 miles to Weapons release"

Heavy Rain fires its 625mm gun, the shell bursted after going 1.35 mi, the schrapnel from the
blast heavily damaged the Thumper's wing, and rendered some weapons unusable.
The Thumper was able to keep flying with a damaged wing, thanks to its 75mm [CLASSIFIED] plating.
Thumper - "Eagle Eye, I've been hit badly on my wing, but I can still fly!"
"1 mile to Weapons release."
-Master Arm is turned on and fires the ATGMs, but the RCWS catches up and destroys
them in time-
"Target neutralized. Returning to ---What the?"
Eagle Eye - "Hold on Thumper, your missiles have been destroyed by the RCWS, destroy the RCWS with your cannon
then destroy that gun!"

Thumper - "Understood, commencing another strafe."
-Thumper turns around and starts firing at the RCWS, destroying it-

HR loaders 2 and 5 - "Shut up! We're doing the best we can over here."

Thumper has now turned around and is about to fire the second wave of ATGMs

Thumper - "Firing!"
-ATGMs are launched, destroying the gun-
"Target neutralized, Eagle Eye, but there's another vehicle that needs taking out."

The crew of Heavy Rain gets out alive, but the commander did not...
HR Crew - "We'll get you next time you damn Awwami, and soon your country will too."
"The True GLA will soon be in control of all these damn nations."
Base Com - "What the Hell did you say Heavy Rain? Did you ju---"
"Nevermind, I'll deal with you 6 later, Schleizen, shoot that jet down."
Schleizen - "Understood. Tracking and firing...NOW!"
-The SM-950K launches 2 of its missiles, but misses the Thumper when it pulled a Kulbit-
Thumper - "Commencing third strafing run."
Schleizen - "Damn it, he's persistent. Shoot him down!"
Thumper - "Firing 30 mil."
-Thumper fires at the SAM, obliterating it, however the crew managed to make it out alive like the HR's crew-
Base Com - "Damn, another one went down! Fire the ER/RSWBM, I don't care if we sustain a little damage
I want that damn jet blown outta the sky!"
MSL Crew - "Roger, ER/RSWBM Standing by, we'll be ready to launch shortly."
-ER/RSWBM launches and impacts, crippling the Thumper and sending it burning toward the ground-
The Thumper's pilot did not survive the Shockwave, and was killed inside the aircraft.
Eagle Eye - "Thumper come in! I repeat, Thumper come in!...He's gone..."
The Awwami Base Cmdr. sends in an XVA-676 towards Grizdenvall AFB to survey the area.
Meanwhile, a Katipunian Aurora Bomber (Presumably on patrol) is nearly out of fuel and is trying to get permission to Emergency Land
and Refuel on the AFB.
Lima-5 - "Grizdenvall AFB, this is Lima-5, requesting permission to Emergency Land and Refuel, over."
Base Com - "Request granted, proceed to land on Runway 02A and wait for an HSAV to refuel you."
Lima-5 - "Understood, Beginning approach."
Lima-5 lands at the runway and a modified HSAV is dispatched to refuel the bomber.
The bomber takes off after clearance and is escorted by 5 S-25EAs to a nearby Katipunian Airbase.

Lima-5 - "Escorts, this is Lima-5, I'm picking up 15 unidentified aircraft coming in from 3 directions."

The XVA-676 arrives and starts scanning the base for Missile launch ports and starts targeting them.
The aircraft prepares to start its strafing run when suddenly, he intercepts the Base's comms link and
hears a distressing output.

Base Com - "No, please don't sh-----"
-BANG- -BANG- [Audible sound of body falling lifeless]
TGLA Patrol leader - "The GLA does not take prisoners."
"Listen up, we have 60 Ballistic Missiles on our hands,
we will launch them now to strike fear in your infidel hearts
soon, The world will fall under the True GLA's control.
Goodbye, scum."

30 ER/RSWBMs and 30 Hi-TASMs are launched. The surrounding airspace is filled with thermobarics and
the blastwave can be seen and felt for miles.. The XVA-676 tried to escape, but it was too late, it got destroyed by the blast along
with Grizdenvall AFB.


Some S-25K4's that took off from the AFB immediately engaged 15 TGLA Pummelers and destroyed them all,
The pilots later landed at the nearby Genriya AFB, they were interrogated, then released.

One day after the Incident, the top Generals of the Berusian Army and Airforce including the Foreign Affairs minister was
sent to the UPNW Veratun HQ, but they were unfortunately, shot down by stolen TGLA fighters...

Lima - 5 Survived the encounter, he and his bomber crew are still operating Aurora Bombers and patrolling the skies of Katipunia.
The Crew of Heavy Rain and Schleizer was never seen again, they were presumably killed by an airstrike on a Syrian TGLA base..
Thumper and XVA-676's pilots were never found, however the XVA-676 Wreckage is being examined and reconstructed...

Operation: Black Dawn
After the Grizdenvall AFB Incident, Katipunian President Lirei Zuroloyov sent out a message from the UPNW Veratun HQ to the other UPNW HQs around the world. Saying that the incident prompted him and some UPNW members to conduct Operation: Black Dawn. An attack against the TGLA Occupational Forces in North Africa. Katipunia and ESR will go for the TGLA in Algeria and Tunisia, and Awwam and Berus will go for Libya.

Algerian Theatre
October 10, 2090
Southern Algeria

A joint-attack force by Katipunia and ESR is on the way to a city that has been infested by the TGLA. A Katipunian Tank Battalion and a KNSF Squadron both led by Commander Erik Ruschoy and an ESR Squadron, Battalion, and Special Forces set-up a forward base south of the city. They are followed by paratroopers from both nations. Battle starts when the strike force was attacked by TGLA garrisons in buildings, but they met their doom when the combined ESR-Katipunian troops stormed their buildings. Tanks exchange fire in the cramped streets. The final assault to the occupied city hall was a successful and an effortless assault because of the leaders' and soldiers' low morale. Next up, Algiers.

October 11, 2090
Near Algiers

The city is in anarchy, local GAE forces are destroyed in the area. The joint-attack force is on their way. The first shot fired, it was from a nearby TGLA artillery piece. A part of the battalion went there and proceed to find and destroy the arty. The battle is longer, they were fighting for 3 days. They engaged in a ton of firefights, no casualty, some wounded. TGLA aircrafts were shot down, tanks are everywhere, and troops are storming every building to find the Algerian leaders. The local government building is occupied, and the governers are held hostage.

TGLA Warlord Mahr - "You all have 10 minutes to save these infidels, if you fail, this place will be under the TGLA!"

The battle in the city rages on, every street covered in debris. Every TGLA combatant dead... but the TGLA never gave up and sent their whole Algerian Occupational Forces to defeat their enemy forces. But they won't succeed as they are now outnumbered and they have a major disadvantage with their salvaged GAE and GDPA weapons.

The attack force is coming to the occupied local government building. Katipunian and ESR Special Forces storm in, killing or capturing guards. The target is now in sight... he already killed one and both Special Forces barged in the room, injuring the HVT, rescuing the hostages, and liberating the city. Now onto the rendezvous point, Tunis.

Libyan Theatre by MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation
October 9-12, 2090

After The UPNW Established Op Black Dawn, All fronts of North Africa were pushed through to close in on the True GLA, this the story of how the Federal Republic of Berus and how Awwam had their forces coordinate the Attack on the GLA Bases.

"It was Night, We Dropped through from our Cargo Planes and Helicopters, my Division was high in sky ready to deploy, and so we did, and so it began." -211th Division "Khalq" Soldier.

As the Awwami Royal Armed Forces Met up with the Berusian Armed Forces, Intel was supplied to all participants of the operation, Since ARAF Units and FRB Units Deployed in Libya, Well known GLA Captured Bases were targeted, 4 of them in 2 Cities, Sabha, and Awbari.

Whilst Successfully devising a plan, the UPNW Alliance Forces told all involved Units form different nations, that the GLA Were unaware of our presence, so we all took the opportunity and decided a full raid will be established on the bases.

Briefly 20KM From the main Libyan City, GLA Loyalists Had taken knowledge of the Massive Cavalry coming their way, they quickly evacuated the civilians, but not all, and this was learned further throughout the raid.

Swiftly Launching all Weaponry at important Equipment of the True GLA, the GLA Scrambled to get their Tanks, Soldiers, and Helicopters ready, by this time Berusian Had already unleashed hell on the open front of the City, and ARAF Air Squadrons took part of a large chunk of the GLA's Decimation, Launching Bombs and Firing Plasma Guns, Berusian Soldiers stormed GLA Buildings and Eliminated any tango's in the way, it was quick and clean, with the support of Awwami Eyes in the sky, they knew that the GLA Had little to no support here, Berusian Forces continued Shelling Captured GLA City Blocks with their devastating artillery, this city was Liberated, ARAF Soldiers Moved behind Pushing FRB Units and finished off any remaining GLA Presence in the area,

Successfully Liberating the City of Sabha.

Then Came Awbari, the next target, they knew it wasn't far from here, ARAF Decided to lead this assault and eventually reached the smaller city, this one ribboned with GLA Weaponry and such, Incoming Awwam CAS Aircraft were given location of the city and eventually locked and loaded their guns and simultaneously attacked with the Ground Forces, Awwam tanks Blew and demolished several buildings, eliminating GLA Equipment in the process, brute power steamrolled over the True GLA Compound, with a touch of Lethality from the FRB, Given the nature of the two different forces, it was deemed that they were completely compatible, and showed no fear on the enemy, opening fire on running GLA Soldiers and also on Tanks, Grenade's tossed and Bullets Exchanged, the Iron Clad Soldiers moved past the city, Raising the flag of the righteous nation, the GAE.

The City of Awbari was Liberated.

Mini Stories

In the Mini Stories section, you can contibute a story for the RP, leave the story in the comments and be sure to tag me or any of the moderators of the RP to see it, everyone can leave a story, even if they are in the RP or not, but make sure that the story isn't too long or too short, Thanks!

Random Event

In the Random Event Section, each nation or faction or group will get an event every episode.

Treaty Section

Wars and Notable Events

Great World War 2 (February 2087-March 2089)
Biological War (April 2088-June 2089)
The Great Naval War (July 2089-January 2090)
Southern Chechen War (August 2089-September 2089)
War Against Terrorism (September 2090-Present)

Date: October 2090


(with labels)

Countries & Territories:

Argentina (Brown)[Republic]
Leader: FetiYetiIndustries
Alliance: UWP

Avarua (Bazaar)[Stratocracy]
Leader: Mudkip
Members: DankDorito
Alliance: AFP, UWP, NRNW

Awwam (Green)[Caliphate]
Leader: tanklovers/MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation
Members: Supermini555, exosuit, DJbanana, , CaesiciusPlanes, hopotumon, shukurneon, TimeTraveller, ArrowDart
Alliance: UMN, UPNW

Federal Republic of Berus (Black)[Federal Republic] Neutral
Leader: AccipitrisEnterprises
Alliance: UPNW, NTTF

Leader: TheBroadside
Alliance: NRNW

Canadian Republic (Orange-Red)[Democratic Republic]
Leader : ErvenDynamics
Members :
Alliance : UPNW

Chechnya (Cyan)[Islamic Republic]

Democratic Republic of Poland (Dark Olive Green)[Democratic Republic]
Leader: DRP
Alliance: UPNW

Ecuador (Gold)[Communist Republic]
Leader: ElGatoVolador
Alliance: UPNW, NRNW

Empire of Rako (Lime)[Theodemocracy]
Leader: Pluto

Great African Empire (Light Grey)[Closed Democracy]
Leader: LeHoneyBadger
Alliance: UPNW

ESR (Purple)[Federation]
Leader: PINK
Members: TemDesBur
Alliance: NRNW

Independent Territories of Taiwan (Turqoise)[Federal Republic] Neutral
Leader: Viper28
Alliance: NTTF, PP

Japan (Tan)[Parliamentary Republic]
Leader: MikuKat
Alliance: NRNW, UPNW

Katipunia (Light Blue)[Democratic Republic]
Leader: GoldenEagle
Members: Alienbeef0421
Alliance: UPNW, Slavic Union, PP

Lanzarrian Conglomerate (Yellow)[Communist]
Leader: JakeTheDogg
Alliance: Slavic Union, UPNW

NFK (Pink)[Socialist Territorial Republic] Neutral
Leader: PINK
Alliance: NRNW, UPNW

Paternian Republic (Blue)[Federal Republic]
Leader: Pilotmario
Alliance: NRNW, UPNW

Portugal (Dark Green)[Democratic Republic]
Leader: 1gman4evr
Alliance: CAT, UPNW

Republic of Sals (Blue-Violet)[Territorial Republic] Neutral
Leader: SimpleTechAndResearch
Members: Mox
Alliance: UWP

UNSR (Orange)[Republic]
Leader: DankDorito
Alliance: ESR, UPNW

Republic of Zealand (???)[Republic]
Leader: Makcoink
Alliance: UPNW

I.S.F.O.S. (Lime Green)
Leader: PyrusEnderhunter


True GLA Loyalists [Seperatist World Super Terror Group]
Leader: Unknown
Members: Unknown
Country of Origin: Chechnya
Country of Allegiance: None

Katipunian GLA [UPNW Liberation Group]
Country of Origins: Defected from the True GLA Loyalists
Country of Allegiance: Katipunia

Australian Liberationist Army/ALA [Liberation Group]
Leader: RMark1
Country of Origin: Awwam
Country of Allegiance: Paternia

Task Force 6|Firqat Al-Nukhbat Min Al-Awwam |TF6 [International Elite Task Force]
Leader : Lieutenant Muhannad Qadir
Members : 316 Different Elite Soldiers
Country of origin : EAC
Country of Allegiance : Awwam/EAC

Mongolian-Chinese Secular Revolutionists [Revolutionary Group]
Members: 890 Million Supportors
Country of Origin: Mongolia, China
Country of Allegiance

True Paternia! [Communist Group]
Leader: Ex-Awwami Soldier Mujahari Ranaya
Members: 56 Million Supporters
Country of Origin: Paternian Republic United States.
Country of Allegiance : None.

Global Defensive Peacekeeping Army/GDPA [UPNW Peacekeeping Group]
Leader: Sharky
Country of Origin: Awwam, Arabia, GAE, Russia, Bosnia
Country of Allegiance: UPNW

Hukbalahap [Anti-Japanese Group, Communist Group]
Leader: San Gregorio del Hesus
Members: Juan Marquez
Country of Origin: Philippines, Japan
Country of Allegiance: None

Red Arms [Rebel Group](Light Pink)
Leader: Shipwright
Country of Origin: Madagascar
Country of Allegiance:

Sultan Kudarat Rebel Group/Grupo ni Sultan Kudarat/SKRG [Rebel Group]
Leader: Viktor Marcos a.k.a. Sultan Kudarat
Country of Origin: Philippines, Borneo, Indonesia
Country of Allegiance: None

Walrus Alliance
Leader: Himynameiswalrus
Country of Origin: ???
Country of Allegiance:


Katipunia-Paternian Union

UPNW Organizations & Sub-factions (All regulated by Mods/GoldenEagle)

HARPIA Defence Systems
Primary: Dimkal

YTech Arms Manufacturing
Primary : YuukaNeko
Secondary :

LS Industries
Primary : LatteCoffee55
Secondary :
Members :

Ongoing Wars

Beligerents in the War Against Terrorism/War Against the True GLA Loyalists

UPNW: Katipunia, Katipunian GLA, ESR
True GLA Loyalists

For MORE info, see this UPNW World Statistics Page

Rules & How to Join

-Do not be a jerk
-Do not be OP or else, you will be kicked out
-Wars can continue if the parties are both online, and the ones with the "Offline" tag, cannot be attacked
-You can have up to 3 Alliances(The UPNW Alliance is exempted from this rule)
-Alliances can only have 6 Nations and 8 Territories
-Do not forget to tag me if you made a creation for the RP
-Taking land will take a long time, not in an instant
-Leaders can make choices for his/her country
-Attacking a neutral country may result in every other country and group target the certain country who attacks a neutral one
-No Space-warfare stuff (except for Sattelites, Rockets, Space Stations, and Orbital Bombardment) we are not fighting aliens and this ruins the RP's purpose of following the C&C Generals series
-Do not be too rude to others, especially to MikuKat (If anyone is being rude to you Miku, tell it to Me or LeHoneyBadger)
-No Swearing, or Censor the Swear word
-You can be a part of both a group and a nation
-Any Inactive Countries/Groups can be partally controlled by the host and the mods (a.k.a. build for them)
-You can freely trade/buy/sell tech and equipment
-Tank Gun limit: 275mm
-Artillery limit: 750mm (except for the SG-1000)
-To join, enter the following: Name (Color)[Government Type/Group Type]
That's all for the rules! And I will update it whenever possible

Banned Stuff: Teleportation(external), Anti-Matter Weapons(With exceptions), Cloning, Superweapon Spam

Moderators: MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation, SimpleTechAndResearch, Pilotmario, DankDorito

Max Number of Mods: 7

Requirements for being a Moderator

-Must be online everytime
-Must have read the rules

RP Idea and Main Story by GoldenEagle (Me)
Add me on Discord as GoldenEagleSP #4159 or If you want to join the chat, tell me and I or the mods will give you the invite link

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  • Profile image
    30.9k DankDorito

    Still dead?

    8.0 years ago
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    55.4k Beefy

    Katipunia. But Ill be active when my phone is OK.

    8.4 years ago
  • Profile image
    17.2k GoldenEagle

    Here you go!

    8.4 years ago
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    7,019 Makcoink

    @GoldenEagle can you give me can you give me a invite

    8.4 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle


    8.4 years ago
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    @Mudkip Idk man, Avarua is irrelevant now, really your only choice is actually putting up a fight, it's official, the partition happened.

    8.4 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @Mudkip Join the Discord.

    8.4 years ago
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    5,940 Mudkip

    @Pilotmario More propaganda?

    +1 8.4 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @ElGatoVolador Oh yeah. Forgot about you.

    8.4 years ago
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    @Pilotmario rip don't forget the 4th smallest front, Ecuador at the end of the conflict started to use the new Condor II but it was mostly made of attacks from light attack planes and civilian warfare

    8.4 years ago
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    @Puglife43vr Haha, If you wish to start at UK, then good luck! For you are deficient in your army's capability!

    8.4 years ago
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    @Pilotmario Paternians, Lanzzarrian's, and Russians? What?! UNSR didnt involve in the Brazil op.

    8.4 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    Try this

    8.4 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @Mudkip Brazil is basically ours at the moment. The Paternians, Lanzarrians, and Russians have advanced on three fronts. From the north comes the Paternian Army, who by the way has just got the sweet, sweet Hammer Powered Assault Armor, which is basically the Mk 5 Mjolnir Powered Assault Armor from Halo that Master Chief wears.

    So we basically have upgraded Victoria M5A7 (which by the way, is the most heavily armored tank in the RP), Ardent M6A4 UPS (the most popular tank in the RP), stealthy and supermaneuverable fighter jets, a Navy whose dominance of the sea is uncontested, and an army of Master Chiefs. Led by officers who are disciples of Sun Tzu.

    I mean, Awwam gets an army of Iron Man's and the Lanzarrians have an army of Gordon Freeman's in HEV suits (crowbar included), so having an army of Master Chiefs is completely reasonable.

    8.4 years ago
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    My discord is Puglife43vr

    8.4 years ago
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    @GoldenEagle your Instant join code expired

    8.4 years ago
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    @GoldenEagle this has expired.

    8.4 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @Puglife43vr yes there are...
    If you have Discord, here it is:

    8.4 years ago
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    @Mudkip what server is this?

    8.4 years ago
  • Profile image
    5,940 Mudkip

    @Pilotmario I'm just not that active.

    8.4 years ago
  • Profile image
    5,940 Mudkip

    @Pilotmario Get wrecked enemies.

    8.4 years ago
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    @GoldenEagle Sir is there a server we need to join for the battle? -King Pug

    8.4 years ago
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    We are the Knights of the Pug Kingdom and our color is Gold and we are a monarchy. We are here to snatch some technology for our dying country. If we are not given this we will retaliAte. We will start in Great Britain and we find leftover tech and damaged tech, fix it, and repurpose it. -King Pugsley

    8.4 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @CODENAMEBOB Life's been busy... It's hard for me to build in SP especially if I don't have the time because of school and stuff... I only get to build on some days... I usually get to build and upload everyday before school started, and after that... I rarely do anything on SP... until now, I have the tank on by 2 days from now... I also took a week off last week

    8.4 years ago
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    Hey man, so it seems that you aren't doing anything as of late, and I was wondering if you could maybe actually go through with my request from like, 4 FREAKIN' MONTHS AGO?!?! SERIOUSLY, WHAT IS WRONG? HOW IS IT TAKING SO LONG?

    8.4 years ago
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