Simple question.
I want to build large and movable engine parts on a plane. When i do that the rotators and the whole plane start to shake, without rotators its stable. Is there a way to stablize the rotators? I didnt found something like this in xml modding file.
Thx for answers :)
well I know very little so @BirdOfSteel
@MechWARRIOR57 you can watch on youtube poolitzer lp is a german youtuber he makes videos about sp ^^
@MechWARRIOR57 ok ^^
well I like german so @BirdOfSteel
@Seeras deine hilfe wird immer noch gebraucht
@MechWARRIOR57 but its not really usefull :P
@Seeras @MasterKiryu and I like the german languge so it fits and it ships!
@MechWARRIOR57 mhm thats true
well if you can speak a languge fluently then in any job your instantly more valueable @MasterKiryu
@MechWARRIOR57 thats nice. Than you can understand Rammstein xD
I have no idea for what it is good to learn german :P :D
@MasterKiryu ok well luckily I'm self learning german
@MechWARRIOR57 Cause we are germans and it is easier for us
@BirdOfSteel @Seeras @MasterKiryu why are you speaking german?
@Seeras da bitteschön
Die Übeltäter liegen wie gesagt im Drehmechanismus für die Triebwerksstränge. Wäre echt mega genial wenn du da irgendwas schaffen könntest damit die aufhören zu wackeln :)
@Seeras ok. uno Momento
Schick es mir mal unlisted.
@BirdOfSteel es zuckt kurz und schwabbelt danach wild durch die gegend :P
was meinst du mit shaken? ist es nicht stabil? ansonsten rate ich zu @Seeras