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The Jundroo Conflict S4 [The Final Battle]

18.5k SimpleTechAndResearch  8.3 years ago

"It is here, the final days of this pain. We will finally win this war against, the communist forces of the GSU!" - General Magson Harkor

The Final Battle
The final battle, or Operation Downfall (Not to be confused with the planned invasion of Japan during WWII) was the final battle of TJCIV, where the LOPC Gathered all of their forces. from simple RG-11's to Belemoth Carriers to destroy HG75937HD, the capital of the GSU. The forces fought the GSU Forces of 24 Billion Highly trained troops, 74k Lisses. 804k CapitalDestructers and 36 "Hzkad" Destroyers, all with one objective. to defend the Capital of the GSU.
It was a terrifying experience for all, but the LOPC Won just barely. Therefore the GSU Has dissolved. Thank you for your support of the LOPC (AND THANK YOU GSU FOR NEARLY KILLING US).

Milky Way:SimpleTechAndResearch, ACMECo1940, Sniper16, BlueCobraplanes, AircroftDesigin, nukacolaquantum, Bucket, BungieChair,Cerdon
GY17491\Leman Galaxy:1gman4evr
Large Magellanic Cloud:Mudkip,WEAPONSMITH
Spies:CaesiciusPlanes, Mudkip
Andromeda:arcues, GrimMantis, MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation

Independent\Fighting Everyone:

Only enter the enemy chat if you're spying on them
No swearing
Don't Be Rude.
Don't Harass other members


spy feature.
You can use this to look into the enemy chat!

Benefits:You can look at plans of the enemy and prepare for their attacks
youll know what you're fighting
you can tell your teammates this so they will build the aircraft to attack the attackers
Independent Galaxies have no cooldown
Penalties:You must post a comment saying "SPIED" in the enemy chat, from their they have the option make attacks larger.
The enemy can make misinformation misleading your team.
you can only do it once every three episodes
You must join the spy group {You can join it even if you have already joined a galaxy}