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WIP - Rocks, Logs, etc.

15.8k ian8811946  8.4 years ago

In the works.

@AndrewGarrison @NathanMikeska
Does the game use a single point/contact patch collision system? Seems like they don't like to easily roll up anything but a very small ledge. Is there any chance of improving this?

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    15.8k ian8811946

    @Cadin Yeah I think using a mesh terrain could possibly help the issue. I would like to play with it anyway....then I could try some overhangs and caves n such. Haven't done one of those yet.

    8.3 years ago
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    15.8k ian8811946

    @AndrewGarrison Oh alright. Sad to hear such core systems will not be implemented. But it is understandable since SP was really intended for planes.

    You guys have done a great job giving people an easy way to bring their creations to life. Looking forward to future projects.

    8.3 years ago
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    @ian8811946 thanks for the info and you are correct that the no suspension collider doesn't solve the problem. It's been a while since I looked at that code. Unfortunately we don't have any plans to fix this issue or add proper transmissions / gears.

    8.3 years ago
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    30.8k Cadin

    @ian8811946 That certainly makes sense... @Gestour Any Ideas?

    Also I think you can "Bake" the rocks to the terrain and make them one integral unit... but that is a different story...

    8.3 years ago
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    15.8k ian8811946

    @AndrewGarrison @NathanMikeska

    I am familiar with the bug you are thinking of. Unfortunately that is not the problem here. The internal wheel suspension is disabled on this vehicle. It does have the shock object in use but I don't think it would cause this. Also the rock is a separate object from the terrain.

    I just looked closer and this does also occur (visually) with uneven terrain. However I think because it is all the same object the single point is able to skip up the hill and it retains contact/forward movement.

    If I lower the rocks into the ground so there is a very small ledge/ramp for the point to transfer easily to there are no problems at all. The wheel will walk right up it.

    It seems to me that the front edge of the wheels have no collision at all. So I figured the game uses a single point for wheel collision as many older games have (or even current road-central games like forza).
    The strange thing is that large tires do in fact seem to help slightly. So maybe I'm completely wrong here.

    Games like Rigs of rods and BeamNG use a multi-point wheel system that enable vehicles to crawl up even vertical faces as they would in real life. I do understand that those games use Softbody physics engine so things are very different from the SP/Unity Rigidbody system so perhaps it is not possible or at least easily changed.

    I do know of a game called "RC Simulation 2.0" (on Steam) That I believe uses a Rigidbody system and recently fixed a similar issue. However I have not played it yet.
    Here is a link that talks a little on what they did to solve it. There is a very good picture (and video) of exactly the difference in tire models I am talking about.


    Harmless little plug while I have your attention... :) Any chance of seeing proper transmissions/gears and power delivery coming to the game?

    ps.....sorry formatting is not cooperating.

    8.3 years ago
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    Sorry, unfortunately that's how wheel physics works with wheels that have suspension enabled. If you disable suspension on the wheel, it won't cut through the terrain like that.

    8.3 years ago
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    15.8k ian8811946

    @drdoom222 That is stage 3 of the 4 stage (Budget trail beater) build I did recently. Available on my profile page.

    8.3 years ago
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    1,757 VanNate

    Me want car link

    8.3 years ago
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    The rocks look soooooooo, good, they and the terrain! It looks great for a modder! Mind you I'm not entirely sure how this whole thing works

    8.3 years ago
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    Holy crap those things look amazing!

    8.3 years ago