My planes always suffer from flat spins at all speeds and slow turns. My planes also wobble horizontally even though my vertical stabilizer is huge.
My planes always suffer from flat spins at all speeds and slow turns. My planes also wobble horizontally even though my vertical stabilizer is huge.
i'm looking at your planes... and they are somewhat short. your CoM is too close to your control surfaces, the wings are not big enough
try building longer planes with bigger wings.
@IStoleYourMeme Thanks for the help man. I'll try to expirement with the CoM and CoL as well as the airfoils.
Center of mass should be in front of center of lift. If it's behind the plane will do flips, if it's too close it will be very unstable in turns and possibly flat spin/flip, if it's too far in front the plane will be nose heavy and turn very slowly. Try experimenting with the different airfoils as well. I don't know about the vertical stabilizer problem, perhaps that's a bug.