I actually hate Mac's I use to have one, it was the worst computer I've ever had, I'm not lying it would crash and freeze every 5 seconds, the longest time I had without a crash or a freeze was 30m, again I'm not lying it would actually freeze or crash every 5-10 seconds. Now the iPad on the other hand works great with SP and works great in general, no problems there, I do prefer Windows over the iPad however
Mac: Free updates, less chance of getting viruses, greater re-sale value.
Windows: Better in general for games, most computers are open to upgrades, longer lifespan.
I vote foer Windows it just has a nicer feel to me
@bigluke Another blocked.
Mac is so good
@BritishNarwhal7 RIP Everyone for reading that terrible joke...XD
For gaming, Windows is better.
@KingDeadshot yeah I must have
So long story short I would have to go with Windows on this...
I actually hate Mac's I use to have one, it was the worst computer I've ever had, I'm not lying it would crash and freeze every 5 seconds, the longest time I had without a crash or a freeze was 30m, again I'm not lying it would actually freeze or crash every 5-10 seconds. Now the iPad on the other hand works great with SP and works great in general, no problems there, I do prefer Windows over the iPad however
@WEAPONSMITH Nice.. you should come up with how a refrigerator would do the same.
@BaconEggs Ah
@Flightsonic I blocked 'em, as I said on the server!
@BaconEggs What?
@Flightsonic Guess what?
Mac: Free updates, less chance of getting viruses, greater re-sale value.
Windows: Better in general for games, most computers are open to upgrades, longer lifespan.
Free OS on Mac, but more money. I feel more user friendly on Apple.
@DandruffCat upgrade the CPU, GPU, etc
@littleleeches on YouTube you can make accounts with the same name, plus there's not far to go on here
@DandruffCat You can't build a mac, which means you can't have parts with crazy amounts of RAM, CPU power, or storage, but you can with PC's.
Oh and those sheeps are me and @BigLuke
windows bc macs do fuckall
source: i've used both and windows is wayyyyyyyyyyyy better
@Flightsonic Customize in what way?
@Flightsonic you're every where like that Cloris bleach guy on youtub
Lol we have Google you have safari we have things we have Web control on upper right you have it on upper left I have no idea what I just said