For those of you who don't know already, I am currently developing a mod called Overload. The mod itself is an in-game XML property editor. This means you can do xml modding, without leaving the editor.
I plan to have an open beta for PC and possibly Android up, in the mods section either tomorrow or Sunday. The timezone I'm in is BST (GMT+1) so it will be day then.
I guess I'll see you then.
@BaconAircraft lol
Sorry, I should really stick a bar of soap in my mouth, after being overexcited. @WNP78
@BaconAircraft I just released it. Check the mods section and mind your language :P
Holy shit! That is amazing! Imagine this magnificent mod paired with fine tuner... just imagine the possibilities.
Fine tuner?
If there were one mod to have on iOS, it would be this.
@SkullsAndCrossbones you'll have to :D, but I'll try to be quick, now I've posted this the pressure is on for me
I will no longer have to xml out of editor