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Fine Tuner Updated! Experimental Multi-Part mode!

Dev HellFireKoder  8.4 years ago

Mod Post

Includes some minor bug fixes, but probably nothing you'll notice besides the new multi-part selection mode.
(Gimbal lock is still a problem, sorry)

Tab for multi-select, then X for multi-edit (multi-select and multi-edit are separate modes for simplicity), or use the GUI button to cycle through them.
Mutli-selected parts will all rotate on the axis of the first selected part
Scale does not work with multiple selected parts at once.

Edit: Oh! I also put it up on the steam workshop

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    107k Kerbango

    Is there a way to set a hinge to automatically go from positive to negative position upon activation?

    I need the hinge to swing 15-30 degrees in one direction from center.
    which I can accomplish with activate1, but I want it to go -15-30 degrees in the other direction also with the push of one button, (even throttle).
    I want to turn on the hinge and it goes forward and back.

    example: Ag1 activate, hinge goes to maximum set #, then goes to minimum set #, then goes to maximum set #, and again and again.

    Like how we can set rotators to spin a certain # of times at different speeds.

    1.7 years ago
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    8,521 MageMobius

    @HellFireKoder can you update the mod so it can scale multiple parts at a time.

    8.4 years ago
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    2,470 Smasher

    @HellFireKoder can you put the gyroscopic cockpits mod on sp please I don't use steam because every time I try to make a steam account it just says my hotmail is fake

    8.4 years ago
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    8,309 12ocketguy

    @HellFireKoder well thanks for the information.

    8.4 years ago
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    @GINGER01 Thanks!
    There is, technically... use quaternions for rotation... which Unity does internally, but then SimplePlanes saves the rotation as a Vector3, so no matter what I do with rotation, it might not load correctly... plus, I'm too lazy to properly use quaternions in my own code :P
    Though, I believe @Sauce used the new multi-select mode to select the gimbal locked part, and then switch to multi-edit mode, which zero's the rotation (well, not actually, but it parents the part to an invisible object with zero'd rotation, which allows rotating as though it's at zero rotation), and then rotated it to the required rotation...
    I was worried that when loaded back from the XML, it would be messed up, because of how SP saves the rotation as a Vector3, but I don't know if it actually screwed up or not, so, you could try it?
    Otherwise, to get out of a gimbal lock, the only way I know of is to just reset the rotations to 0, and avoid the rotation that locked it, which isn't all that useful when you need it at that rotation :/

    8.4 years ago
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    8,309 12ocketguy

    This has to be one of the best mods out there. You have done an amazing job. But I have a question. Is there a way to avoid gimbal lock or how to get out of it?

    8.4 years ago