I'm going to make a big one in SP, but my computer said no. So I have to buy a new one.
Here are the options: a. i5-6300HQ with GTX950M, b. i5-4210H with GTX 960M.
There are only 2 options, due to the tight budget.
So can anyone tell me which option is better for simpleplanes? Do I need a better CPU or better graphics card?
@flyingsteve88 😊
@flyingsteve88 满意满意,多给几个呗。。。滑稽
@flyingsteve88 这你都up干啥啊。。。😒
@AndrewGarrison ok,thanks!
When will the next update be?@AndrewGarrison
For strictly gaming, you would be better off with the the 960M.
@QuantumSandwich sadly, laptop only...for some reasons.
@realluochen9999 if you're talking about USD, with that money you can build a kick-ass gaming rig........or you need power+mobility?
@QuantumSandwich not much, $800
how much cash do you have?
If not, take the second option!
@realluochen9999 Check the Graphic Cards MSI make, or the AMD 480 (maybe)
@ElGatoVolador thanks!
I have the GTX960M and I can run around 1000 parts on max settings in the level it can handle a few more in the editor. On low graphics I estimate around 2000-3000 parts.
@AndrewGarrison @PhilipTarpley
help! please!!