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The War In Space:Surrounded

18.5k SimpleTechAndResearch  8.4 years ago

Battles During this episode:
The Surrounding of the Middle Forces
The First breakthrough of the UGOTMK Frontline.

Log #87394/The Surrounding of the Middle Forces
Its been a losing fight here, surrounded by those capitalist idiots we cant escape. Reinforments are blocked due to their extreme numbers and tactics, Massive explosion is heard far away but we found a way to get out, Solar System GY43532 is still under our control, but UGOTMK forces are heading torwards it, we're very close to it as well, so ive started Operation Rgugsa, to defend the System. A siren is heard in the background Ugh, another attack i cannot continue this much longer but if i dont come back, i want you to make sure we win against the UGOTMK.
The unknown General didnt make it out alive.

The First breakthrough of the UGOTMK Frontline.
The DOTG had made a massive victory, making it through the frontlines early in the War, they have started their secret advancment to earth, however UGOTMK doesnt know where they're coming from. Earth is on high alert, any unknown ship is destroyed. resulting in Civillian and immigrint casulties.

Discord Server

United Galaxy Of The Milky Way
Capitals (Multiple)
Military Capital:Washington D.C.
Primary Capitals:Seoul and Moscow
World Order Capitals:Berlin, London, Tokyo and Mexico City.
All capitals located on Earth

Dictatorship of the Galaxy
Members:MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation, exosuit
Capital Located:HD129420

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