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Possibly the best mod Idea ever...

12.6k Flippos  8.3 years ago

So I've thought of many ways you could add things like ILS to the game and I just found the best way to do it with the least effort:

So the AI aircraft often attempt landing at airports and 40% of the time succeed providing the aircraft is easily flyable/has good manouverability. So how about creating a mod that allows you to switch the autopilot from "wing leveling mode, to autoland mode???" Shouldn't be too hard to make this mod right? And maybe add a few extras such as entering a heading for the autopilot etc...

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    13.9k vonhubert

    Agree. And i thing we need a way to command the autopilot: set course and altitude... and climb rate i think, or else the autopilot as it is would probably stall lots of planes)

    8.3 years ago
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    12.6k Flippos


    8.3 years ago